*Hosted Stories*

If you write fan fic and would like me to host your story, send it over and I will definitely host it. I promise :c)

Backstreet Boys Stories!

Authors with More than One Story


t.i.t.l.e: Fallen Angels Stories
a.u.t.h.o.r: Fallen Angel
a.b.o.u.t: Brian, Nick, AJ & Kevin
s.t.a.t.u.s: all finished
r.a.t.e.d: PG - PG13
#.o.f.s.t.o.r.i.e.s: 7


t.i.t.l.e: Sophias Stories
a.u.t.h.o.r: Sophia
a.b.o.u.t: all
s.t.a.t.u.s: 2 finished, 2 in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG-13
#.o.f.s.t.o.r.i.e.s: 4


Authors with Only One Story

t.i.t.l.e: Untitled
a.u.t.h.o.r: Marissa
a.b.o.u.t: AJ
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: No description yet.


t.i.t.l.e: Fearing of Love
a.u.t.h.o.r: Kim
a.b.o.u.t: Brian
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: Sam's coming to live with her cousin, Nick, for the summer to get away from London. There's more to the problem then Nick thinks. Brian's fiance just left him, and he's not himself.


t.i.t.l.e: Fun on Vacation!
a.u.t.h.o.r: Felicity
a.b.o.u.t: Nick & Brian
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: This is a Nick story. It has a little bit of Brian in it, though. Katie's parents own an island in the bahamas. It's a private island. So they invite Jane and Bob Carter & family to come up with them. Katie really likes Nick. But she's not sure he likes her so she runs into the arms of Brian to find out that Nick.....Opps, I said too much. Can give the whole plot away, now can I?Read the story to find out more.


t.i.t.l.e: Battle of Hearts!
a.u.t.h.o.r: Holly
a.b.o.u.t: all
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: R
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: 1 throne, 2 brothers. Who will rise victorious in this story of family feuds and forbidden love?


t.i.t.l.e: 4 Days in DC!
a.u.t.h.o.r.s: Niki and Suzi!
a.b.o.u.t: all
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: No Description Yet.


t.i.t.l.e: The Chance Meeting!
a.u.t.h.o.r.s: Jodi & Lyndsee!
a.b.o.u.t: all
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: No Description Yet.


t.i.t.l.e: Love and Pain Don't Mix!
a.u.t.h.o.r: Sarah!
a.b.o.u.t: Nick
s.t.a.t.u.s: finished
r.a.t.e.d: R
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: A story about the love and pain between Nick and his best friend.


t.i.t.l.e: Against All Odds
a.u.t.h.o.r: Amy
a.b.o.u.t: Nick, Brian & AJ
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progrees
r.a.t.e.d: PG
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: An old friend from college calls up Amy's mom and to her surprise, it is Jane Carter, Nick Carter's mom. Jane invites Amy's family and two of Amy's best friends to the Carter's beach house for the summer. Everyone seems to find love somewhere this summer but of course there are problems too.


t.i.t.l.e: The Greatest Love of All
a.u.t.h.o.r: Robin
a.b.o.u.t: Nick
s.t.a.t.u.s: finished
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG15
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: Nick is in love with Emily, a woman who has cancer. Should he leave her or stay true to her until the end?


t.i.t.l.e: What's the 411 on Our Love?
a.u.t.h.o.r: LastKiss4Him
a.b.o.u.t: Nick
s.t.a.t.u.s: finished
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG13
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: This Story stars you! Yes you, who ever is reading it! You get to go through some emotional aspects with Nick Carter, including LOVE!


t.i.t.l.e: Fun in Florida
a.u.t.h.o.r.s: Jessica and Amanda
a.b.o.u.t: BSB
s.t.a.t.u.s: finished
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG-13
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: Mandi and Jessi have been absolute bsb fans since they heard their music. One day, the BSB's manager calls Mandi and tells her that Jessi and her were going to meet the BSB in florida. The trip ends up changing Mandi and Jessi's lives drastically. Read to find what happens.

*N Sync Stories!

t.i.t.l.e: The Black Dragons of Riverdale Prep
a.u.t.h.o.r: Jackie
a.b.o.u.t: JC
s.t.a.t.u.s: finished
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG13
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: When did love become so violent? Cliques clash when they fall in love with each other. This proves to be deadly to one innocent girl in love...

t.i.t.l.e: The Fight
a.u.t.h.o.r: Logan
a.b.o.u.t: Justin & JC
s.t.a.t.u.s: inprogress
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG-15
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: Logan and her older cousin, who is practically her older brother, JC have been fighting since she was 14. Logan got very pissed one night after catching JC snooping through her stuff. She punches him, and goes to her room to pack. She's leaving. Justin saw half of this, and heard all of it. Logan tries to get him to help her pack. Justin agrees, and tells her that he is going to take JC to the hospital. Logan hugs him good-bye, and kisses him on the cheek. About an hour later, he calls her, she doesn't pick up. He's scared that she's gone for good. Now he is starting to feel feelings that weren't here before. Can he find Logan and figure out what all these feelings mean?

Backstreet Boys, *N Sync, 5ive, and Boyzone Stories!

t.i.t.l.e: As the Dark Angels Rise
a.u.t.h.o.r.s: Julilly & Vemaya
a.b.o.u.t: BSB, *N Sync, 5ive & Boyzone
s.t.a.t.u.s: in progress
r.a.t.i.n.g: PG13
s.u.m.m.a.r.y: It is a story of 4 mob familys and thier struggle to keep thier familys alive and together, in the 1940's. After WWII, Nickolas Carttrell(Carter and Littrell put together, I know it's lame)) returns home to his family a different person, than before he left. Being gone 6 years and only seeing his family for one month during that time, really took it's toll on his mind and emotions. His half-brother Brian, is the head of a mob family that Nick is involved with aswell. In New York city, there are many different familys that interact with the Carttrells...the Gately family, who are the irish mafia leaders of the U.S, the Fatones who play a minor role because thier business cannot stand up to the others. The Breen family are one of the only familys who get along with the Carttrells and are very powerful because of it.

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