How Could You? Chapter 1!

{Warning: This chapter includes sex, so if you don't like it don't read it.}

~*3 months later*~

"Oh God, look at how much I'm showing," Meggie complained, squeezing her stomach.

Nick scrunched his face up in confusion. "Where? I don't see anything," he said, kissing her stomach softly.

She pointed to her stomach. "Are you blind? it's taking over my body," she whined. She pushed him away, causing him to fall on his butt. She sat down on the bed in their hotel room. They had started another tour a week ago, and Meggie joined him once again. In fact, they had been inseperable ever since Meggie announced her pregnancy.

"C'mon babe, you are beautiful. You look even more beautiful then you did before," he said, getting up from his position on the floor, to join her on the bed.

"Nick, don't suck up," Meggie said, sighing.

"I'm not," he protested.

"I've known you for a very long time, and I've learned that you always suck up, no matter what," Meggie said, laying down.

"Maybe if you would stop bitchin' at me, I wouldn't hafta suck up," Nick said, quietly. He had not intended for her to hear, but she did. He understood that she was going to be moody, but he wished she could go back to her usual happy self.

She sighed again, and sat up wrapping her arms around his waist, tightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Do me a favor? Whenever I start bitching at you, just ignore me and go see Brian or something. You don't deserve my bitching," Meggie said, rubbing his stomach through his shirt.

"No thanks. I'd prefer to be with you, and have you bitching at me, then not be with you," he said, sweetly.

She smiled at him, and lifted his wife beater up, leaving a trail of kisses up his back with each inch of skin she exposed. "I love you so much," she breathed into his ear.

"But, I love you more," Nick said, turning his head, allowing himself access to her lips. He quickly took advantage of the situation, by pressing his lips softly against hers. He moaned against her lips before pulling away. "Ok, we should stop now, before thigs get out of hand," he said, massaging her upper thigh.

"What's wrong with thing's getting outta hand?" Meggie asked, gently nibbling on the bottom of his ear.

"Babe, your pregnant," Nick reminded her.

She giggled into his ear, which turned him on even more. "Nicky, just 'cause I'm pregnant, doesn't mean we can't make love," she said, kissing his shoulder.

"And the baby doesn't...?" he started, but stopped mid-sentence, not quite sure of the words he was looking for.

"It doesn't affect the baby any," she said.

Nick's eyes widened, and his smile grew bigger. "There is a God," he claimed, raising his hands in the air in victory. He slipped his hands around her waist and layed her back down. He shed her of her clothes, as she did with him. He kissed her bare stomach. "So beautuful," he murmered. He felt movement and up to see her right hand covering her mouth, but still alowing little giggles to escape. "And, what do you find so funny about this, Missy?" he asked, trying to sound as serious as possible but not succeeding.

"Your hair is tickling my tummy," she said.

He gave her an ashamed smile, and whispered "Sorry". He continued kissing her stomach, and soon moved north onto her breasts, kissing each one 3 times while carrassing the other in the palm of his hand. He moved up, kissing along her neck, her jaw, and finally her lips. "You truly are the most beautiful woman to ever set foot on this earth."

"You sure do know how to make a girl feel loved," Meggie said, leaving kisses all over his face.

He smiled at her. "I bet I can make you feel even more loved," he whispered, seductivly in her ear. He moved his hands to her thighs massaging them, while enjoying the moans escape out of her mouth. He spread her legs, allowing himself entrance into her. He thrusted deep inside of her, making her cry out in surprise. He locked eyes with her. "Did I hurt you?" he asked.

She shook her head 'no'. "You could never heart me," she said, while rubbing his cheek to show him she meant it.

He gave her a hurt look. "Gee thanks," he said, sounding a bit upset.

"No sweetie, I didn't mean it like that. It's just your so gentle," she said. "Continue."

He laughed at her, but obeyed her command. "You good," he moaned, burying his face into her shoulder.

The moans of pleasure, and screams of delight echoed throughout the room.

Just before she reached her boiling point, she managed to moan out those 3 special words that meant the most to Nick. "I love you," she moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders for support as she felt her head spin.

Her muscles contracting around him, caused him pure bliss, as his juices shot into her, making him moan in pleasure. He layed still on top of her, trying to catch his breath. He nibbled softly on her neck, whispering "I love you, too."

Chapter 2
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