How Could You? Chapter 3!

BJ wandered around the lobby, searching for the resterant she was meeting her brother in. She saw a familiar face, sitting on the sofa, chatting with someone she didn't reconize. As she got closer, she realized who it was. The one girl that almost screwed up Meggie and Nick's relationship, Chrissy. She looked over at BJ and gave her that cocky little smile that somehow managed to draw guys in. Her brother had fallen for it, and now it seemed like the guy she was with had fallen for it too. BJ rolled her eyes at her, and strolled into the resterant, waiting to tell her brother about her little encounter.

"BJ, jeez there you are. What the hell took you so long?" Nick screamed out for everyone to hear.

"Shh, I got lost," BJ whispered sheeplishly. "And, I saw someone I knew."

"You got lost? How'd ya manage that one?" Nick yelled out again. "And who do you know here?"

BJ turned bright red, and yanked on his ear to get him to sit down. "Nickolas Gene Carter, shut that hole you call a mouth, or I'll announce to everyone 'bout the green undies incident," BJ threatened.

"Alright, alright, I'll shut up. So, who did you see?" he wondered.

"Chrissy," BJ said, closing her eyes. She did not want to see how he was gonna react.

Chapter 4
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