How Could You? Chapter 4!

Nick took a deep breath. "Meggie's gonna flip if she finds out just who it was that I kissed. They were like best friends in high school," Nick said, getting extremly worried. "She'll probably never talk to me again."

"Nick, would you calm down?" BJ asked.

Nick shook his head. "Where is Chrissy, anyway?" he wondered, looking around nervously.

"She's in the lobby," BJ replied.

"Oh shit, Meggie should be comin' back from shopping with AJ any minute now. If she see's Chrissy there, they'll start talking. That equals big trouble for lil' ol' me," Nick said, quickly getting up.

"To talk to bitchface," Nick said, angerly, stampeding into the lobby.

"Nick, how have you been? Why haven't you called?" Chrissy asked, jumping up from her position on the sofa.

"Don't start with me. Why are you even here?" Nick said, storming up to her, with BJ at his side.

"Well, I knew Meggie was touring with you, and I knew you guys were in town. I heard from a friend you were staying here, so I decided to stop by, hoping to see my dear old friends," she said, grinning evily.

"Don't do this. Leave now, before Meggie comes," Nick ordered, looking around nervously.

Chrissy squeeled in delight. "Oh goody, I haven't seen her in ages. We have so much to talk about, don't you agree, Nicky?" she asked.

"You bitch, you better not breathe a word of what we did to her," Nick warned.

"Oh, I'm petrified. What if I do?" she threatened, batting her eyelashes.

"I'll beat the shit out of you," BJ said, standing in front of her. "And, I'm sure Meggie would take a few swings as well."

Chrissy raised her eyebrows. "Oh, ouch," she said, sarcasticly. "All we did was kiss, Nicky."

"Yeah, and you were one of her best friends. She knows I did kiss someone, but she doesn't know who, and I'd like to keep it that way," Nick said.

"Oh, wouldn't poor Meggie's heart brake if she found out it was me," she said, pouting.

"Shut up, Chrissy. C'mon, BJ, let's go grab some grub," Nick said, taking his sister by the arm.

Chapter 5
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