How Could You? Chapter 6!

Nick opened the door to the hotel room he and Meggie shared. "Meggie? Where are you?" he wondered.

"In hell," she said, from her position on the floor. "Which is where you're gonna be if you don't go away."

Nick walked further into the room, and kneeled down beside her. "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to put anymore stress on you, especially with the baby. And I knew you'd over react," Nick said, grabbing her hand.

"Over react? You kissed my best friend, how the fuck did you think I'd react? Ahh, I can't deal with this shit right now. I'm going to take a nap," she said, crawling up onto the bed.

Nick looked up at her, and then got up on the bed too. "I'll join you," he said.

"NO, DAMN IT, NICK. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, DO YOU?" Meggie screamed, grabbing her pillow, and an extra blanket, and walked to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked, sitting up.

"Taking my nap," she said.

"In the bathroom?" he asked.


"Babe, I'm sorry. Really sorry. Please come out, this is stupid," Nick said, knocking lightly on the door.

"Oh, so now I'm stupid," Meggie said.

"Oh my God, you're driving me crazy," Nick said.

"So, go see Chrissy. I'm sure she'll give you a thrill," Meggie said.

"I don't wanna see Chrissy. She's not the one I love, you are," Nick said. He heard a knock on the door, so he went to go answer it. "Chrissy, what the hell are you doing here?" he asked, while getting pushed out of the way by her.

"Just thought I'd stop by and say 'hi'," she said, grinning from ear to ear.

Meggie heard Chrissy's annoying voice from her makeshift bed in the bathtub. She quickly got up and made her way into the room.

"Chrissy, leave now. You've done enough damage for one day. You better watch out or your heads gonna explode," Nick said, opening the door as her hint to leave.

"No Nicky, I'm not going anywhere. You promised me a fun night, and I intend to get what I came for," she said, seeing Meggie out of the corned of her eye, and deciding to piss her off more.

"I never promised you anything. I told you to get the hell out of my life before. Obviously, you didn't listen," Nick said, noticing Meggie as well. He raised his arms up in defeat. "She came here on her own," he said, not wanting to get in anymore trouble.

"Nicky, what are you talking about? You did to invite me. You said something about having a good time," Chrissy said, innocently.

Meggie grabbed her by the collar and slammed her against the door. "Listen bitch, I can see right through you. I know you're a lying whore, that want's a piece of my man. I can tell you right now, you will not get him," Meggie said.

"I got a little secret for you, hun; I already got him," she said, wincing when Meggie tightened her grip around her neck.

"Your a lying trap. You're just jealous that you could never have him. It killed you. You led him in with your innocence, and bull shit. If you know what's good for him, you'll stay away," Meggie said, pushing her out of the way. "Get out now."

"Fine, but I'll be back. I promise," she said, taking a step out the door to leave.

"I'm warning you bitch, stay away," Meggie said, slamming the door.

"Meggie, I am so, so sorry. I was gonna tell you, really I was, but then you told me 'bout the baby, so I decided not to. I didn't want to put anymore stress on you," he said. "If you want, I'll sleep in the bathtub, and you can stay in the bed."

She mumbled something, then entered the bathroom to get her stuff. Nick sighed, and got what he wanted, and headed to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" she asked, half yelling.

"Umm, to sleep in the bathtub," Nick said, quietly.

"Boy, get your butt back here," Meggie said, angerly.

"Yeah, what's wrong, babe?" Nick asked, worried.

"Nothing's wrong, I just don't plan on having that bitch ruin are relationship, and that's exactly what she plans on doing," Meggie said.

"So, you're not mad at me?" Nick asked, excitedly. leaping on the bed.

"Kinda, but not really. Just no more secrets, ok? We have a baby on the way," Meggie said, smiling at the thought of the life inside of her.

"No more secret's, promise. I can't wait for the baby to come. We're gonna spoil him rotten," he said, grinning evily.

"K, but we have to discipline him some," she said.

"Him?" Nick asked, surprised.

"You said it first," Meggie accused.

"Babe? Can we pick out names tomorrow?" Nick asked, having a few in mind already.

"Yeah, sure, I don't see why not," she said. "Now, can we please get some sleep? AJ dragged me everywhere."

"Yeah, sure. I'm gonna hafta talk to him about that," he said, shutting off the light. He leaned over, kissing her lips gently. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Chapter 7
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