How Could You? Chapter 7!

"How could you not like the name Christa? It's perfect," Nick said, saying the name over again.

"Nick, think about it. If we named the baby Christa, what would one of her nicknames be?" Meggie asked, sipping her drink the waiter just brought her.

"Uhh, Chris?" Nick asked, confused.

"No, think about it," Meggie said.

"Chrissy," a voice behind Meggie said. Meggie turned around, and Nick looked up, seeing her...Chrissy. "Just thought I'd help the blond out. I had no idea you two were having a baby. How...cute," she said, cringing.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? We're just adorable together," Nick said, grabbing Meggie's hand from across the table.

"Mmm, I bet. I have some business to take care of," she said, as she turned around and walked away.

"That's odd. She just left, without being told. She's up to something," Meggie said. "I don't trust her."

"I don't blame you, babe. She's not the most trustworthy person," Nick said, as he raised his eyebrows. "Anyway, Christa is definitely out. What do you like?"

"For a girl, I like the name Kennedy," she said, looking at Nick, for his reaction.

He smiled. "Kennedy...I likes. I likes alot. Hmm...middle names. Babe, where were we when we...umm, you know?" Nick asked.

She gave him a weird look. "Duh stupid. In a bed most likely," she said, laughing at him.

"I don't mean that. Like, in what city?" he asked her.

"Oh, umm, Brooklyn," she said.

"How do you remember that?" Nick asked.

"I'm a woman, what do you expect?" she asked him.

"What do you think of the name; Kennedy Brooklyn for a girl?" he asked her.

Her eyes went wide, and she got up from her seat. Nick thought she was gonna go on and on about how stupid the name was, but instead, she wrapped her arms around him. "Nick, that is a brilliant idea. I love it," she said, as tears came to her eyes. "Kennedy Brooklyn Carter is perfect."

"Carter? The baby's just gonna have my last name?" he asked, surprised.

"Well yeah, unless you don't want it to," she said, now worried.

"Of course I want it to. Just a little surprised, that's all. Ok, onto boy names," he said.

"Great, just what we need; a little Nick," she said, sarcasticly.

Chapter 8
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