I'll Always be There! Chapter 1!

"Hey Nick, you comin'?" Meggie asked Nick, one of her best friends.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm comin'," he said, running to catch up. "I was just thinkin' back to the first time we met. I never got picked on after that."

"I was there to protect you then, and I'm here to protect you now from all the screaming girls claiming their love for you," Meggie said.

'You've been protecting me all my life. Now, it's my turn to protect you," he said, bravely.

"From what?" Meggie asked, skeptically.

"Umm...well, the gremlins under the bed," he said.

"Oh well, thanks but, I think I'm the one that should protect you fromt them," she laughed.

They walked into her house. She automatically checked her messages. "Hey babe, it's Terry. Big mistake you made dumping me, because I'll get you."

Chapter 2
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