I'll Always be There! Chapter 10!

Meggie looked at Nick, waiting for him to defend himself, but he just stood there. She decided to take matters into her own hands. "Listen assholes, I don't wanna hear anyone making fun of Nick, got it?" she warned. She grabbed Nick's hand. "Let's go in." She practically had to drag him in.

"My hand," he complained. "I punched him hard."

Meggie laughed and started massaging his hand. "Better?" she asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders. "There's Bri," he said, pointing.

"Hey guys," he said, approaching them, with Michelle right behind him.

"Frick, guess what?!?! I just kicked some guys ass," Nick said, excitedly.

"What for?" Brian asked, laughing.

"Well..." Nick started, but he wasn't able to finish. He was too excited.

"Nick, just shut up. I'll tell them," Meggie said. "Johnny was making fun of Nick so I stood up for him. Nick punched him. Then Thomas accused him of loving me, so we came in. Nicky hurt his fist," she said.

"Wow Nick, I'm amazed. My little Frack is growing up," Bri said, pretending to wipe away his tears. "You guys stay here, I'll go get the tickets."

"So, how long have you 2 been a couple?" Michelle asked Nick and Meggie.

Chapter 11
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