I'll Always be There! Chapter 12!

Nick hesitated for a second, taking a deep breath, and then slowly lifting his hand. He looked down at her hand that rested on her lap. He slowly brought his hand down, and placed it over hers. He lifted her hand so he was able to entwine their fingers. She looked at him and smiled. "Hey," he said, shyly.

Meggie laughed. "Hey," she said, curious to what he was up to.

"What'cha doin'?" he asked, perking his voice up at the end.

"Watchin' the movie," she replied, in the same tone.

"Oh," he whispered. He kissed her hand and leaned back down in his seat.

"What a strange little boy," she thought.

They watched the rest of the movie, hand in hand. Michelle was extremly happy, and Brian was trying to figure out why.

~After the movie~

"Do ya'll wanna do somethin' else?" Bri asked.

"Let's go back to my place for a bit," Meggie said.

Everyone agreed and went back to her place. "What now, guys?" Nick asked, impatiently.

"Whatever your little heart desires, Nicky," Meggie said.

"Can we eat something?" he asked, rubbing his stomach.

"You know where the fridge is, Big Boy," Meggie said.

Brian burst out laughing. "Is that your sex name for him?" he asked.

"Fuck you, B-Rok," Meggie said.

"It was just a joke," he said, defensivly.

"Yeah, well maybe I've had enough of your little jokes," she said.

"Guys, stop fighting," Nick pleaded.

Meggie and Brian turned to him. "Shut up," they said, at the same time.

"Fine! I was just tryin' to help," he said, going to the kitchen.

Michelle followed him. "Nick, I've made a desision. If you don't tell her, I will," she said.

Chapter 13
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