I'll Always be There! Chapter 13!

Nick looked at Michelle nervously. "Don't bull shit me," he warned.

"I'll do it, if you won't," she said, sternly.

Nick laughed it off, not believing her. "I call your bluff," he said, grabbing a couple slices of pizza from the fridge.

"Fine," she said, going back to the living room, with Nick following her. "Guys, I've got a game. It's gonna seem childish, but I think it's gonna be fun," she said. "I'll go first. Nick, truth or dare?"

Nick gave her a surprised look. "Oh great," he thought. "I shouldn't have done that. How the hell do I get out of this? I don't pick truth. Brilliant Nick." He cleared his throat. "Dare," he said, proudly.

"Good choice, Carter," Michelle said. She stalled, thinking of the perfect dare. She got an idea, and grinned, evily. "I dare you to tell us your true feelings towards Meggie," she said.

Chapter 14
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