I'll Always be There! Chapter 14!

"I...umm...don't understand the dare," Nick said, swallowing hard.

"How do you feel about Meggie? Do you like her just as a friend, or more?" Michelle said, slowly.

He looked around the room. Everyone seemed to be studying him. "I am so in love with her it hurts," he mumbled. Humiliated, he ran out of the room.

"You should go talk to him," Brian said.

Meggie nodded her head, and slowly made her way to the room Nick was in. "Hey Nicky," she said, quietly. She got no reply. "Please, say something," she begged.

He turned around to look at her. "I'm sorry," he said.

"What are you sorry for?" she asked, totally confused. She took a seat beside him, and waited for his answer.

Finally, he spoke. "I'm sorry for loving you like I do," he said, resting his head in his hands.

She looked at him, showing the surprise in her eyes. "Nick, I don't mean to insult you, but that is a stupid reason to be sorry for. It's like apoligizing for having a heart," she said.

They sat there, quiet for a long time. "Oh, before I forget, we have to head overseas for a mini tour. I begged Mike and Jeff hours on end to let you come, but they refused, so since I can't protect you, I arranged for you to stay with my family. I'm sorry," he said.

"It's alright, Nick. You know how much I adore your family. I love them as if they were my own," Meggie said.

"Yeah, I know," Nick said, his voice quiet.

"I'm gonna go downstairs. Cheer up, sweetie," she said, rubbing his cheek.

"Meggie," he said, right before she exited, 'causing her to turn around.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Umm...well, how do you feel about me?" he asked, quietly.

Chapter 15
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