I'll Always be There! Chapter 15!

Meggie stood there for a few minutes and then took a seat beside Nick. "Truthfully, I am really confused. Before, I never thought of you that way, but I now realize how much you mean to me. But, I don't want to risk our friendship," Meggie said. "Ya know what I'm sayin'?"

Nick stared at her, with a pained look on his face. He then pulled her in, kissing her as passionatly as he knew how, hoping to change her mind.

Meggie pulled away. "Nick, please don't. I don't need a boyfriend right now, I need a friend," Meggie said, taking his hands off her face, and holding them.

Nick sighed. "Alright, sorry," he said.

"Stop apoligizing," Meggie ordered, smiling. She kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be downstairs," she said.

"Is he alright?" Brian asked Meggie, when she was back downstairs.

"He's a little embarressed, but he'll be fine," Megige said.

"Oh, well what did you say to him?" Michelle wondered.

"I simply told him I'm not interested in that kind of relationship right now," Meggie said, waving her hands around.

"Why? Don't you like him that way?" Bri asked.

"Kinda, but I love him more as a best friend," Meggie explained.

Nick came downstairs. "You guys, stop drilling her for answers," he said.

There was a long silence between the group, until Meggie broke it. "So, when do you guys start the tour?" she asked.

Brian and Nick shifted uncomfortably. "Uhh, tomorrow morning," Bri answered.

"What?" Michelle asked, surprised.

"I know, and I'm sorry baby, I would have told you sooner, it's just we we're having so much fun. I didn't want to spoil it," Brian apoligized.

Meggie looked at Nick. He had a depressed look on his face and he was staring at the ground. "Umm, I think I'm going to go upstairs and play Nintendo. Nick, do you wanna come?" Meggie asked, hoping she'd see that million dollar smile.

He looked at her, and shrugged his shoulders.

"C'mon sweetie," she said, grabbing his hand and bringing him up with her. Once in her bedroom, she closed the door. "Alright Nicky, what's the matter?"

"Take a wild guess," Nick said, laying on her bed.

Meggie sighed and sat down. "Nick, I want you to do me a favor," Meggie said.

He sat up and looked at her, trying to read her thoughts. Unable to come up with something, he gave up. "What?" he asked.

Chapter 16
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