I'll Always Be There! Chapter 2!

"Oh, shit. He's after me again," Meggie said. Her lip started trembling.

"I thought he was in jail?" Nick said.

"I guess he was released. Nick, please, don't let him get me," Meggie begged.

"I won't. I promise you he won't hurt you," he assured her. He wrapped his arms around her, and rubbed her back. "Your my best friend, and I won't let anything happen to you. I am going to protect you through this."

Meggie smiled up at him. "You finally get to protect me. And, it's from the meanest gremlin of all," she said, happily.

"Meggie, I'm spending the night tonight, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, why even ask?" she wondered.

"I dunno. Just makin' sure," he said. "Do you wanna play basketball?"

"Yeah, sure," she agreed, grabbing her ball and going outside.

They played a pretty good game, and it got very intense towards the end. Meggie went to make a lay up, and Nick went to block it, accidently knocking her over. He went to stop her fall, but instead, fell on top of her. They stared into each other's eyes, ackwardly. They felt this feeling, this unexplainable feeling. Kinda like how someone might feel on the day of their wedding.

"Uhh...I'm sorry, Meggie," Nick apoligized. "Here, let me help you up." He reached out his hand and pulled her up.

"Yeah, well accidents happen," she said, almost as if it never happened.

"You 2 are so blind," they heard a voice from behind them say. They turned around and their was Brian smiling like an ass.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nick asked.

Chapter 3
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