I'll Always be There! Chapter 3!

"You seriously don't know?" Brian asked.

"No, now what is it?" Nick asked, annoyed.

"Well, ok, um, who's the love of your life?" Brian wondered.

Nick gave him a confused look. "Christina Ricci," he answered.

"Mmm hmm, and Meggie?" Bri asked.

"Ryan Phillippe," she said.

"I see. Ever heard of denial?" Brian wondered. Both Meggie and Nick nodded their head. "Is there any possible way you two, oh I dunno, are in love with each other?"

"Hell no," Nick answered. Brian knew he was lying, because he said himself that he was in love with Meggie, but he wasn't going to betray Nick's trust.

"Never in a million years," Meggie said.

"Alright, and you have heard of denial?" he said, making sure.

"Wait a minute. So, you're saying Nick and I are in denial and we're really in love with each other?" Meggie asked, shocked. Nick had a worried look on his face.

Chapter 4
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