I'll Always be There! Chapter 5!

Nick turned around, and there she was, the love of his life. She had changed into short shorts, and a sports bra. "God, she looks good," he thought.

"Nick, do you want some popcorn?" Meggie repeated.

"Oh, umm, yeah sure," he answered.

"You're sure you're ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, umm, yeah, I'm fine," he answered.

"K," she said, heading to the kitchen, with Nick on her heels. "So Nicky, what movie did you pick?"

"Urban Legend. I haven't seen it yet," he said.

"Oh, cool. I love that movie," she said. She grabbed the bowl of popcorn and went into the living room, where Nick went seconds before. He had taken off his pants and shirt. He was on the couch, shivering. "Nick, are you cold?" she asked.

"Yep," he said, nodding his head.

Meggie went to the closet, and got a blanket, covering him up with it. "Thanks," he said, smiling.

She popped the movie in, and sat down beside him.

Chapter 6
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