I'll Always be There! Chapter 8!

"Hello?" Meggie mumbled into the telephone the next morning.

"Meggie? Hey, what'cha doin'?" Brian asked.

"What the fuck are you doing calling so early?" she asked, still half asleep.

"Honey, I hate to brake the news to you, but it's 12:00," he said. "Anyways, I was wondering if you and Nick wanted to go to the movies with Michelle and I?"

"Who's Michelle?" she asked.

"'Member, her and I went out all the time, and then I asked her to be my girlfriend?" he asked, irritated.

"Well, I remember you guys going out, but I don't remember you actually being together," she said. "But, yeah, I guess we'll go."

"K, cool. Can you guys be ready in an hour?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll meet you at the theater," she said, hanging up. "Nick," she whispered, shaking him gently.

His eyes slowly opened. "Hey," he said.

"Hey, Bri and Michelle just invited us to the movies, and we only have 1 hour to get ready, so you should really get up," she said. "I'm gonna take a shower. Don't go back to sleep!"

Chapter 9
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