I'll Always be There! Chapter 9!

45 minutes later, they arrived at the theater. "Bri and Michelle should be here soon," Nick said.

"Hey Meggie. Hey Dickless," Meggie's friend, Johnny said, approaching them.

"Leave him alone, Johnny Boy," Meggie warned.

"Ya know, I never understood why you hung out with him. He was always such a dork, and you are Ms. Popularity," Johnny said.

"'Cause, he is my best friend, now leave him alone," she said.

"So, if he's your best friend, you do know he's gay right?" Johnny teased.

"He is not gay," she said, as Nick charged at Johnny, knocking him over. "Nick, get off!"

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD," he screamed, punching him. Meggie pulled him off. "I'M NOT GAY!"

"Johnny, did you accuse Nick of being gay?" Johnny's friend, Thomas said. "Of course he's not gay! He's in love with Meggie."

Chapter 10
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