I'll Always Be There! Prologue!


"Nicky, Nicky likes to suck dicky," Nick class mates teased in a sing song voice.

"Hey," a voice said from amongst the crowd. Nick looked terrified of who was gonna beat on him now. The girl stepped forward.

"Oh great, the toughest most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on is gonna squish me like a bug," Nick thought.

"Leave him alone. He doesn't deserve this. He's working his ass off trying to become something, and you guys make fun of him because of that. That isn't right. I'll tell you right now, if anyone hurts him, I'll pound you," she threatened.

The kids backed away and then left. "Hey, I'm Meggie Thorton," she said.

"Nick Carter," he said.

"Yeah, I know."

"How?" he asked.

" Well, you're kinda known around school as the guy how never comes," she said.

Nick smiled. "Thanks for sticking up for me," he said.

End flash back.

Chapter 1

Email: nickyschik@hotmail.com