The Black Dragons of Riverdale Prep! Chapter 7 ~ Last Chapter!


She was gone. His only love was gone. JC looked at the broken star which was scattered all across the floor. He went over and picked up the picture of them. It was the only picture of them as a couple and he would treasure it forever. He sat down in the chair next to her and took her slightly cold hand. JC began to cry quietly, mourning the death of his girlfriend...

Two weeks later...

Jackie’s funeral was being held today. The sun was shining brightly, as if nothing was wrong. Lot’s was wrong in fact, too many for some people to face. For some it was a death of a friend, a lover, a daughter. Nothing would ever change that, she would always be Jackie the daughter, or Jackie the friend.

All of the Black Dragons attended, and so did all the girls. Scott didn’t come since he was in jail for murder. Everyone was happy that Scott was now some where, where he couldn’t hurt any of them anymore, since he already did enough damage to them.

Jackie’s parents heard the news when they got back home. They were devastated, crushed in fact. They had lost their only child, their precious girl. They had loved her so, and we’re going to make Scott pay for what he has done.

Shayna and the girls were in tears, mourning the death of a friend. She was always the one to cheer them up, but she wasn’t here now to make them laugh or smile. This was a hardship they would have to face the rest of their lives.

The Black Dragons hadn’t really known her too long, but they missed her too. She was a pretty cool girl, and had helped them in science that one day. JC was extremely upset, he had only just begun his relationship with her, and now she was gone. Gone in a flash, an instant.

As the priest finished his statement, Shayna went up to say her eulogy on Jackie.

"Jackie was...was a great friend. Truly one of a kind. She would make us laugh, and smile whenever we were done," Shayna brushed some tears off her cheek and continued, " She was loyal to us and helped anyone in anyway she could. Jackie was special to us and many other people. She died too soon, before she could live out any of her dreams and goals," She glanced over at JC quickly, who was just staring at Jackie’s coffin. Shayna continued on, " Her life ended before she could truly grow. I will truly miss her." Shayna stepped away and into Justin’s arms, crying into his chest. Everyone hung their heads, for a moment of silence for Jackie’s death.

Girlfriends cried into their boyfriends shoulders, and her mother and father thought sadly that they would never be able to see their beautiful angel again. JC leaned against a tree, looking up at the sky. Perhaps his angel would come back??

The End

E-mail Jackie.

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