Fearing of Love! Chapter 1!

Chapter 1

In the summer heat of June, the cab ride from down town London to the airport took forever.Sam watched as the familiar land slipped past her. It was only ten and she felt like she had been awake for hours.It   had all come to an end. Five years in London, finished, gone . It was hard to believe that any of it had ever happened. 

As the car stoped at the airport , Sam paid the driver and grabbed her bags. She then headed to the desk to check in. When she was done she headed towards the washroom. Flights like this were long and the washroom weren't the best. Sam looked at herself in the mirror. He long blond hair and blue eyes stared back at her , looking lost . She washed her hands and left.

"Flight 23, Now boarding." Sam walked over to the gate and handed the attendent her ticket. She followed an older women into first class and picked a spot near the window.  She dug through her carry on bag and found her CD player.

"What to listen to?" she thought, trying to make her self feel better. She took out her Journey CD and pressed play. The plane took off as Sam watched the houses and buliding fade in the distance.

He looked like what he was. A handsome American that had lived there for years. He placed his cup down on the counter and walked up the stairs of his house. He walked past many bedrooms . Finally he stoped , opened the door ever so quietly and looked in. "Good she’s still sleeping," he thought.

"Hey , watcha doin?" a voice asked from behind him. He turned around to face his friend.

"Stop doin that to me man," he said.

"Sorry you just looked to peaceful," the other said and smiled . He then turned and walked down the stairs. He closed the door and followed his friend down the stairs.

"You looked a little lost there man," the younger one said.

"Yeah .. maybe."

"Want me to come with you this afternoon? I’ve gotta go and get my cousin anyway. So it’s not a prob."

"Yeah, thanks." He finished his juice and placed his glass in the sink. He walked out of the kitchen towards the back door. His dirty blonde hair moved ever so slightly as he headed towards the back yard , his long legs carried him across the grass. He found himself sitting on the lawn chair  , looking across the pool. His reflection stared back at him . He took one glance and splashed away his face.

E-mail Kim at frack_1999@hotmail.com

Email: nicklovesmeggie@hotmail.com