Fearing of Love! Chapter 2!

Chapter 2

The flight attendent  asked Sam if she would like something to drink, but Sam declined. "No thank you," she said. Sam was still wondering what had happened to all those times that were only a few months ago, but now felt like forever. Sam was going back to the States to live with her cousin  for a few months.  Living with her cousin wouldn't be so bad. Besides, they consider each other like siblings. That was about the only thing that she was looking forward to coming back to. Boy , have I ever got lots to talk to him about. She pulled out her brush and ran it through her hair.

"We well be landing in 5 min please buckle you seat belts. Hope that you enjoyed your flight." Sam buckled her seat belt and waited for the plane to land.

"I know that it’s been hard but  , I just can’t marry you and that’s why I am leaving. We’ve talked about this a thousand times," the girl said.

"You don’t have to run away from our problems,  we can work them out," he said back in the same tone.

"Brian , you know that we can’t. I love you I really do but I .."

"I know." They sat there in silence for a few mintues, when the younger guy yelled at them to get going.

"Come on you two , let’s move . Sam's gonna be waiting." Brian helped the girl with her bags and gently took her hand. Brian put her bags in the car and got into the drivers side.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He whispered  hoping that she would drop everything and stay with him forever.


"Sorry. I just .." he stuttered "I just .. love you so much." She took his hand.

"I know. Now let’s go."

E-mail Kim at frack_1999@hotmail.com

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