Fearing of Love! Chapter 3!

Finally. Sam had to stretch her legs sitting in on a plane for four hours was not her idea of resting.  She looked around at her surroundings. People in shorts everywere , sunglasses and hats.  The airport smelled like sun tan lotion. Sam grabbed her bags and headed towards the cafiteria were her cousin said that he would meet her.  She found a table near the window and plopped down her bags and let out a sigh. Why did this have to happen to me?

"Well , I guess this is it," the girl said giving the younger guy a hug.

"Yeah I guess so. I wish you the best of luck, don’t work to hard," he said and stepped back. The girl smiled at him.

"Don’t worry," she said.

"Flight 219 to Vancover from Orlando is know boarding," a loud voice came over the intercom.

"Well, that's me," the girl said trying to sound excited.

"Yeah, that's you." Brian pulled the girl into a hug and held her. "Good luck," he whispered.

"Thank you so much," and with that she kissed him on the lips then left. Brian stood there with his friend and watched the plane take off.

"Hang in there man," his friend  said and patted Brian on the back. Brian was still looking out the window.

"Leave, we'll catch a cab," his friend  said. Brian turned around and looked at him.

"Thanks man for everything."

"No problem. Now go," he said. With this Brian turned and walked away. His friend looked out the window once more. "What’s going to happen?" he asked himself. He looked at his watch and headed in the direction of the cafiteria.

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