Fearing of Love! Chapter 4!

Sam was looking out over the crowd , when she spotted her cousin. She stood up just to make sure that it was him, but before she knew it he was running over to her.

"Nick" Sam said , as Nick picked her up and swong her around.

"It’s good to see ya " Nick said and walked with her back to the table.

"No kidding. What have you been up to, everything that I call your never there" Sam said

"Well I finally got a record deal and I sing know with a group call the Backstreet boys , I guess you could say that were some what popular." Nick said

"Nick that’s great" Sam said hugging him over the table.

"Well should we get goin?" he asked

"Yeah sure" Sam said. They got up and grabbed her bags and headed towards the phone booths.

Brian made it home in one piece. He opened the door to his house and his dog came flying out.

"And why are we so happy?" Brian asked picking up the dog and scratching behind the dogs ears. He placed the dog down and headed towards the kitchen. He looked at the answering machine hopeing for a message. No new messages. The phone rang making Brian turn around.

"Hello?" Brian said

"Hey Bri"

"Oh hey Kev"

"How are you feeling?" Kev asked


"Don't worry man thousands of girls would just love to see you let alone go out with you , you'll find someone."

"Yeah your right."

"Talk to ya later?"



"Bye" and with that he hung up the phone. Brian didn’t care if he ever went out with anyone ever again.  One hear break was enough.

E-mail Kim at frick_1999@hotmail.com

Chapter 5
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