The Many Weeks in Florida! Chapter 1!

"There's my aunt, over there," Meggie said to her friend, Megan. Meggie and Megan were staying at Meggie's Aunt Diane's for a little while in Ruskin, FL. They drove from the Tampa International Airport to Ruskin, which didn't take long.

"Go ahead, and pick which room you want," Aunt Diane said. "We are going to the next door neighbors for dinner. We're leaving in 10 minutes."

"Ok. Thanks, Aunt Diane," Meggie said, as her and Megan walked up stairs. There was a long corridor. They saw that there were 5 spare rooms to choose from. Meggie chose the one closest to the bathroom and Megan chose the one closest to the stairs. They unpacked until it was time to leave.

They walked into the back yard. "You never told me you had a beach out here," Meggie said to her aunt.

"Well, hello there. It is so good to finally meet you," a friendly blond woman said.

"Girls, this is Jane. Jane, this is my niece Meggie and her friend, Megan," Aunt Diane said.

"Well, the boys are upstairs, and the girls are spendin' the night at their sisters, so it looks like it's just you and the guys," Jane told them.

"We're fine with that," Megan said, grinning.

"Upstairs, third door on the right. C'mon, I'll show you." She led the girls upstairs. "Guys," she said, poking her head through the door. "The girls are here."

"Cool, send them in."

Chapter 2
