The Many Weeks in Florida! Chapter 2!

Megan went in first and saw that there was 3 of them, and they looked extremly familiar. Infact, she realized that two of them were Backstreet Boys, and the other was Aaron Carter. Meg sat down on the floor beside Brian, and Meggie sat on the sofa inbetween Aaron and Nick.

"It's all good, Aaron. So you beat me again. Here, you can play," Nick told Meggie, handing her the controller.

"Are you up for a game of Mario Kart?" Aaron asked Meggie.

"Of course," she replied.

"Alright then, I'm gonna beat your butt," Aaron said, playfully. It turned out, Aaron did beat Meggie. Infact, he beat her by a lot. Aaron was first, and Meggie was eighth.

Meg started laughing. "Megan, shut up! I'd like to see you beat Aaron," Meggie challenged. She gave the controller to Brian, who passed it onto Meg.

"So, where are you guys from?" Nick asked Meggie.

"We're from Niagara Falls, Canada," Meggie answered back.

"Cool, I've always wanted to go there, and see the falls, and al the tourist attractions," Nick said, like he was interested in the conversation that Meggie found very boring. "What do they have there anyways?"

Meggie told him all the attractions she could think of. "If you ever decide to go there, look me up," she flirted.

"I will," Nick said. "How did you know Aaron's name?"

"What?" Meggie asked, confused.

"Before, when you we're talking to her, you said his name, and we haven't introduced ourselves, so I was just wondering, how you knew his name?" Nick explained.

"You're mom told us. Are you Nick or Brian?" Meggie asked, pretending that she had no idea who he or the Backstreet Boys were.

"I'm Nick," he answered. "Who are you?"

"I'm Meggie, Diane's neice."

"Oh. Your aunt is really cool. My friend's and my siblings and I spend nights over there alot," Nick told Meggie.

Chapter 3
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