The Many Weeks in Florida! Chapter 3!

"Yeah baby! I beat everyone in this room. I'm the best ever," Aaron screamed, dancing around the room.

"AC, calm down before you brake something." Just as Nick said that, Aaron tripped over a Nintendo cord, fell, and bashed his head against the table.

"Ow, shit!" Aaron got up with a big gash on his forhead.

"Aaron," Nick hissed.

His eyes started watering, as if he was going to cry.

"Oh my God, Aaron." Meggie ran up to Aaron and he sat down on the floor. Meggie sat down with him. Some tears ran down his cheek, and he couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst into tears. Meggie started to hug him, as he cried on her shoulder. Nick got some kleenex and sat down with Meggie and Aaron. She took the kleenex from him, and started wiping the blood off his forehead.

"Shh," she told him. "Don't cry. Your not dieing." Aaron started laughing, and stopped crying. Brian came back with a band-aid. He gave it to Meggie who put it on Aaron's forehead.

"Thanks Meggie," he said, giving her a small hug.

"Anything for you, sweetie," she told him. He leaned on her as everyone talked.

Meggie heard Nick whispering to Brian. "I think she's too old for Aaron. Mom says she's 16."

"A bit jealous?" Brian asked. Nick didn't reply. He just made a pissy face. Meggie looked at Nick, and noticed he was staring at her. She smiled at him. He seemed a little surprised, but he smiled back.

Chapter 4
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