The Many Weeks in Florida! Chapter 4!

"You guys, suppers ready," Jane told everyone. "Aaron, what happened?"

"I fell and hit my head on the table," Aaron said. "But, I'm alright now."

Brian helped Megan up. It was clear that he was attracted to her.

Nick helped Meggie up, thinking she didn't like him like he liked her, but he had to find out for sure. Meggie helped Aaron up, and Nick thought that she liked him instead. Maybe the idea was crazy. There was 5 years between them. But, he always said "Love has no age." Meggie put her arms around Aaron and Nick as they walked onto the patio. Aaron started chasing one of the dogs, and Nick puts his arm around Meggie.

"Dad, you didn't even make my hamburger right," Nick complained. "I'm goin' to McDonalds. Thanks anyways. You girls wanna come?" Nick asked.

"I don't want to waste all the food," Megan said.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Jane said. "Go on, have fun."

Brian and Nick grabbed hats and sunglasses. "Aaron, you comin'?" Nick asked.

"No, I'm stayin' here," Aaron told Nick.

"Fine. C'mon Meggie, I'll beat you to the car," Nick challenged Meggie. Meggie started to run, but Nick tackled her down.

"Do you wanna sit up front with me?" Brian asked Megan.

"Sure," Meg answered.

"No, I'm getting to the car first," Nick said, laughing. Meggie jumped on Nick's back.

"If you're gettin' there first, I'm comin' with you," Meggie said, laughing. Nick ran with Meggie in his back. She jumped off his back once they reached the car. He opened the door for her, gestering for her to enter. "Thank you, Sir." Brian and Megan were waiting in the car, with annoyed expressions on their faces. Nick and Meggie looked at them, then at each other, and started laughing hysterically.

"Are you kids ready?" Bri asked. He drove out of the driveway.

Chapter 5
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