Nice to Meet You! Chapter 1!

"Meg, I hate this. Going to a whole new school, in a whole different state. We have to meet new people, and I am not that sociable. I wish our parents weren't transferred here, to tiny Ruskin, FL. Why couldn't it be some place like LA or NY?" Meggie whined to her best friend, Megan.

"Jeez, Meggie think positive. Change is good. Maybe you and some hot guy will hit it off. Just relax. C'mon, we gotta regester," Meg said, happily.

" Fine, let's go," Meggie said, sighing while her and Meg wondered down the hall, searching for the office. Meggie turned a corner, bumping into someone. He fell back and she did, too. "Oh, I am so sorry," Meggie apoligized to the stranger.

"I'm sorry, too. Here, let me help you up," the man said to her. Meggie looked up and for the first time saw the stranger she bumped into. He had blond hair, in a mushroom style cut that came just above his ears. His eyes were so blue and big. He had tender pillow lips that Meggie thought would feel great against hers. She took his hand and he pulled her up. "You look lost," he observed.

"Yeah, my friend and I are new here and we were just looking for the office," Meggie explained to him.

"Oh, I can show you. You were headed in the right direction. Come on, follow me," he said, leading the way.

"I'm Megan Astin," Meg introduced herself.

"Nick Carter. Nice to meet you," he said, shaking her hand. "So, you got a name or should I just call you the beautiful new girl?"

Meggie blushed. "I'm Meggie Richter," she told him.

"Yo Nick, what up?" someone said, walking up to Nick.

"Nothin' much, Bri. Meet my 2 new friends, Meggie Richter and Megan Astin," Nick introduced.

"Nice to meet you, both. We're having a little party in a week at my house. You comin'?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, sure why not?"

" Great, if you girls wanna come just get Nicky here to give you directions. See ya'll around," Bri said, waving good-bye.

"So, are you gonna come?" Nick asked.

"I'm there," Meg said, excitedly.

"I don't know. I would feel uncomfortable. I don't know anyone besides you and him and I don't even know his name," Meggie said, unsure.

" It's Brian Littrell. This would be a good opportunity to meet everyone. Their really nice. I'll be with you the whole night, so ou don't feel uncomfortable. Please Meggie? Megan's gonna be there, and I want you there," Nick pleaded, making a puppy dog face.

"Fine, but if I don't like it, I'm gone," Meggie said.

"Here's the office. Look, I gotta book it to homeroom. If I don't end up seeing you girls during school, meet me here at 3. See ya later," Nick said, rushing away.

"Well, Meggie he's cute. And you guys hit it off. He sure seems to like you," Meg said, giggling.

" Megan, get a life," Meggie said, rolling her eyes. Once they regestered, they went to their class. Megan had English and Meggie had History.

Chapter 2
