Nice to Meet You! Chapter 2!

Chapter 3
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"Hey Megan, looks like we've got english together. I'd like you to meet Justin Timberlake, AJ McLean, and Kevin Richardson. This is Megan Astin. Hey Meg, do you mind if I ask you a couple questions about Meggie?" Nick asked, smiling mischievously.

"Naw, go for it."

"How old is she? Is she single? Where does she live? Does she like me?" Nick asked, quickly.

"She' s 16. Yes, she's single. She lives on the corner of Lakeshore Rd. and Royal St. She hasn't told me personaly if she likes you, but I'm her best friend, and yes, I do believe she likes you," Megan informed him.

"Sweet," he said, enthousiastically.

"Why Nick? You don't like her, do you?" Meg asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Oh, thank God you couldn't tell. I thought I was being to obvious," Nick said, seriously.