Nice to Meet You! Chapter 3!

Meggie walked into her history class. "Hello, my name is Melanie Johnson, and these are my friends, Jamie Phillips, Susan Durnt, Charisma Watley, and Raven Tyler," a short, red head said.

"Hi, I'm Meggie Richter," Meggie said, shaking all the girls hands.

"You're new here. You meet anyone, yet?" Charisma asked.

"Yeah, I've met Nick Carter, and Brian Littrell," Meggie told them.

"What luck you have. NIck is the captain of the basketball team, and the most popular guy in the school, and Brian is almost as popular. Infact, I heard thar Brian was having a very exclusive party. Only his closest friends are invited," Raven gushed.

"Oh yeah, I'm going," Meggie said, casually.

"You can't unless he invited you," Melanie said, sweetly.

"Brian did invite me himself. I'm going over ther with Nick," Meggie told the girls that surrounded her.

"Oh, you're so lucky. The most popular guys in school will be there. Justin, AJ, Chris, JC, Lance, Howie, Kevin, Joey, Scott, Devon, Will, Jordan, Jason, Jeremy, Puff, Ric, Aaron, Ray J, Skeet, Geoff, Josh, Sean, Danny, J, Donald, Eric, Abs, Brad and Rich. Oh my god," Raven shrieked.

"That's alot of people," Meggie commented.

"I know. Alot of them graduated a couple years ago, but they're still talked about," Melanie said.

Chapter 4
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