The Reunion! Chapter 1!

The phone rang at Meggie's house. "Hello?"

"Meggie? It's me, BJ. What are you doing?"

"I'm doin' nothin'. Megan's just here."

" Great, that's perfect. Do you think you guys could possibly come over? You see, Nick's coming home and I only have 3 hours to get his welcome home party ready. I couldn't possibly do it by myself. Please?" BJ pleaded.

"Nick's coming home?!? I haven't seen him in at least 4 years. We'd love to help. Give us 10 minutes."

"Thank you so much. See ya."

Meggie hung up the phone. "Meg, do you remember the Carter's? I used to talk about Nick alot?" Meggie questioned.

"Oh yeah, he was your best friend. Then he started performing and his group became really big in Canada and Europe, and....oh my God.....he's a freaking Backstreet Boy!" Meg shrieked.

"Well, BJ, Nick's sister, want's us over there to help us set up for his welcome home party, but we're not going to go if you're gonna freak out if Brian's there," Meggie threatened.

"I won't, I swear," Meg promised.

"Alright, let's go. I finally get to use my car," Meggie said, grabbing her car keys to her black convertible her grandparents had bought her for her 16th birthday.
