The Reunion! Chapter 2!

When they arrived at the Carter's, Meggie got out and pressed the intercom button on the security gate.



BJ buzzed her in and was waiting at the door. "Beej, I haven't seen you in, like, a month," Meggie said, hugging her long time friend.

"This is the plan," BJ started, walking into the kitchen.

"Meggie, since you're the only one with a licence, you can pick up the food, Megan, Angel, you can handle decorations, Leslie you're gonna help me set up the stereo out on the patio."

"Bobbie, what about me?" Aaron asked.

"You can go with Meggie and help her pick out the right food."

"C'mon Aaron."

"Meggie, wait a sec. Here's some cash," BJ said, handind her a pile of $20 bills.

Chapter 3
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