The Reunion! Chapter 3!

When Meggie and Aaron returned, all the decorations were up, and the stereo was set up on the patio. "Is anyone else here?" Meggie wondered.

"Yeah, Nick's buds are in the back. Mom, Dad, and Ginger are at the airport picking up the boys," BJ said. "Could you please go into the kitchen and put some chips into some bowls?"

Meggie walked into the kitchen and started looking for some bowls.

BJ heard the car pull up. She ran outside to greet everyone. "Hey Beej," Nick said, hugging his sister. "Where's my party?"

"Out back. Guess who's here? Meggie Conlon!!" BJ said, excitedly.

"You're kidding? Meggie's here?!? Is she out back? I haven't seen her in what? 4 years!" Nick said, happily.

"Nick, relax. Last I saw, she was in the kitchen," BJ said, giggling.

Nick ran to the kitchen. Meggie didn't notice him. He looked her up and down. She was extremly tall for a girl. She definatly wasn't a little 12 year old anymore. She was beautiful. She turned around to get a bag of chips off the table.

"Oh my God. NICKY!!!" Meggie screamed, running over to him.

"Hey beautiful, it's been too long," Nick said, scooping her up and twirling her around.

"Look at you. Last time I saw you, you were lke 5'4, and it looks like you've grown a full foot almost," Meggie said, tussling his hair. "Since when did you get a tummy?" {Author's note: I do not think Nick is fat. Remember, it's fiction!!!}

"I don't have a tummy. I have muscle," he said, flexing.

"Oh, now I see it. I guess it was hidden under all that fat," she said, poking him in ths stomach.

"I call you beautiful, you call me fat. That's balanced."

"Sorry, now help me carry these bowls out to the patio," she told him, grabbing bowls.

"Brian, AJ, D, Kev, Justin, JC, Chris, Joey, Lance, Brent, Joe, Lynda, Lecy, Keith, Nicole, Julia, Billie, Gordon, and Jerry, this is my old best friend from like 4 years ago, Meggie Conlon."

"Nice to meet you."

"So, this is Nick, huh?" Meg asked.

"Yup, this is my Nicky. This is one of my best friends, Megan Tyler," Meggie introduced. "Mind if I put on some tunes?"

"Go right ahead."

"Ya'll like Next?" Meggie asked, turning around.

"You're makin' it hard for me," Nick started singing.

"You're a perverted little boy," Meggie said, rolling her eyes.

"I ain't little anymore," Nick said, standing tall. "Hey Meggie, did you bring a bathing suit?"

"No, why?" Meggie asked, pushing play.

"That's too bad, cause see," Nick said, walking up behind her. "Now, you're gonna hafta go in the pool, fully clothed." He picked her up.

"Nick, put me down. Shoes, they ruin in water," Megige said, slapping him upside the head. She kicked them off 2 seconds before he threw her in.

"Hey Meg, do you're shoes ruin in water?" Bri asked.

"No, whY?" Megan asked, curious.

"Cause, it's gonna be easier when I throw you in," he said, picking her up.

"AHH, PUT ME DOWN," Meg screamed.

"K." He dropped her in the pool.

Chapter 4
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