The Reunion! Chapter 6!

After awhile, people were startin' to leave. "Hey Beej, do you wanna spend the night at my house tonight?" Meggie asked.

"Well, I would love to but since it's Nick's first night back, I'm gonna stay here. Hey, why don't you 2 spend the night here?" BJ offered.

"Sounds good to me. How about you, Meg?"


"Let's go up to my room, but first, we'll get some food," BJ said.

They walked into the kitchen, and there was Nick, Bri, AJ, D and Kev finishing the last of the pizza.

"Hey, are you girls spending the night?" Nick asked.

Meg nodded her head.

"Cool so are we. We could watch a movie or something," Brian suggested.

"Nope, it's girl's night, which means, no guys," BJ said, smirking. She whispered something into Meggie's ear.

"Nicky, could you please do me a favor? Could you make me some popcorn, and put it in a bowl, and bring it into BJ's room? Please?" Meggie asked, in her sweetest voice.

"Oh, alright," Nick gave in.

"Thanks you," she replied, kissing him on the cheek.

BJ gave Meggie and Megan pyjamas, and told Megan to go change in the bathroom, she would change in Nick's room, and Meggie could change in BJ's room.

Chapter 7
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