Chapter 1 - First Day at a New House

BEEP BEEP BEEP.   "bye mom bye dad linz is here. ok ill call you when i get there. love you bye" i gave my mom and dad a kiss and my sister too. i came outside and saw linz's blue eclipse sitting next to my yellow buggie. "wazzup cous" i said

"oh nuttin you" she said we gave eachother a hug.

"so were fianlly in collage huh" i said

"yup" she said and we both smiled. "hey whats that in ur hand?" she asked

"oh this u shouldnt have asked that u should know me by now." i said fooling. "its my AJ pillow i never go anywhere with out it" i said

"oh man how could i forget" she said. "well i got a big big surprise at home" she said "u cant know till we get there" "oh by the way my boyfriend brian and some of his friends are there with kim and meg too." "so ull get to meet his friends"

so linz gets into her car and i get into mine i followed her to our new house. we are driving from georiga to FL. oh sorry i should tell you about me.  well my name is Marissa but all my friend call me riss. i am 19 and i have blond hair brown eyes. im 5'7'' and i love bball. and linz is my cousin she is 20 and is about my height blond hair blue eyes. we are offf to her house in fl. she moved there with her friend meg 20 and kim 19. i know them i have visited there lsat summer and now i am living there. we are all going to the same collage so it would work out.         rin ring "hello" i said

"hey girlly" linz said she called me on my cell phone. "are u nervious?" she said

"yeah kinda" i said

"well dont worry u know meg and kim and you have talk to brian before so dont be shy" she said 

"so linz, tell me about brians friends" i said

"well theres 4 guys really nice. i think you will like one of them, i cant say anynames but i showed him pictures of you and told him alot about you and he seems to like you" she said

"whats? what did you say?" i said

"oh nothing bad just the good hings" she told me.

so we hung up the phone and we were still drving and i was liteng to the radio when "i want it that way" came on by the bsb, i was so happy i was blasting it up and the part whe aj goes "and i want it that a way" i was screaming so loud linz heard me. i wasnt paying that much attention for when we pulled in the drive way.

"where here" she said

"oh wow " i said.i didnt notice the house. it has changed since the last time i was here.

"hey girly" meg and kim were running out to give me a hug

"wazzup guys i missed ya" i said we gave each other a hug. they helped me bring in my bags. and i of course was carrying my aj pillow.

"hey thaks guys  for brining in the bags yeah esspecially YOU brian" linz said 

"oh hey guys i didnt see ya" brian said they were in the middle of playing bball in the back yard and so they didnt see us. "oh where is riss?" brian said 

"whats shes here?" aj said happly

"yeah shes in the house putting her stuff in her room she should be down and you should be hearing her in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2"

"ahhh linz i lo ve it"i said

"1"linz said

"i ove it linz how id you know?" i asked

"well i remembered u said that when u got here thats how u wanted ur room so i did it for you and got some help from the guys" she said

my room was on the 2nd floor big room may i add it was the size of 2 rooms. all of them were. it was hot yellow walls and yellow rug the walls had purple and blue splattered on the walls too. it had my bed on one side and another one on the other side and my tv and vcr and my blow up funicher all over the room i had a table, 2 chairs, a bed, a couch, and other things all over it.              

"hey riss i want you to meet u know them right?" linz said

"yeah i think i should know Brian, kevin,nick,howie and of course AJ!" i said comly but deep down i was screaming with joy. i mean who wouldnt be its the BACKSTREET BOYS. i didnt wanna make a fool of my self and thats probly what they get everyday so i was colm.  " sup guys" i said

"nuttin" they said.

" so ur playing bball" i said

"oh yeah do u girls wanna play with us?" brian asked

"oh sure i think we can beat you guys" linz said

"oh yeah" brian said

"yeah" linz said, so the teams were me linz meg and kim vs the guys. the teams were uneven but we still wanted to play like that to show them that we can beat them.

so we were doing pretty good. the soure was 10 12 we were winning. we were really doing good now. 21 to 28 it still was us. we were playing untill 30

"2 more points we  win" i said i shot a 3 pointer to get us 2 points cuz we were doing 1 at a basket and 3 pointer come to 2 pointer. aj was dribbling the ball i was guarding him. i was in front of him he went to pass the ball to nick but kim got it she passed the ball to meg and meg shot it and we won.

"ues" i said "ha ha i told you we would win" linz said to brian playing.  "so brian what does  the winner get?" she said

"well you get a big kiss" he said so he goes and gives her a kiss.

"so now what do we do?" kim asked

"well ill go put the hot dogs and stuff on the grill."  said kevin

"ill help you"  said howie the guys went and started dinner and and all thats stuff.

nick,kim, meg,brian,linz and i were in the living room talking and watching nick and meg play N64. meg was the only person beside brian who could accually beat him. aj and i were talking and getting toknow each other and brian kim and linz were talking to each other. who knows what cause we were on oppisite sides of the room.      

"hey linz and kim come here a second please" i said

"yeah"linz said as they were following me to the other room.

"umm you know tim my boy friend?" i said

"yeah" they both said

"well i broke up with him" i said

"what why?" they said surprisingly

"well the other night i saw him at the movies with another girl and they were making out and i called him the next morning and asked him about it and he dennyed it and then i told him what i saw and he said but it didnt mean anything. but i told him off and then i said i dont think we shoule be together anymore. and i hung up the phone" i said and i was starting to cry.

"oh its ok girl dont worry about it hes a jerk you dont need him its ok" linz said as they were comlying me down.

"you guys i wanna go unpack and  be alone for a while" i said and i went up stairs. so i was unpacking. the girls went back to the living room.              

*****  in the living room******     "hey linz wheres riss?" brian said

"well... she wants to be alone for a while cuz she just broke up with her ex-boyfriend cause he was with anothe girl making out with her at the moves" kim said and she told them the rest.

"so she started crying and she wanted to be alone" linz said

"oh man thats stinks" aj said "is she ok?" he said

"well yeah she will be just can we make her feel happy in the next like 3 days or so. so she can forget about him" linz said

"yeah sure" they all said. "oh ok ill go get riss" said linz

"can i come with you?" said aj

"sure why not" she said so they go up stairs.

KNOK KNOK "come ~sniff sniff`~in ~sniff sniff " i said

"hey girl are u feeling better?" linz asked

"yeah a little bit i guess" i said

"hey well dinner is in 15"linz said

"ok ill be right down" i said "oh man i have to call my parents" i said "hey mom hey dad i just called to say hi and i love you and that i made it here HI oh that was linz i love you buy" and i hung up the phone. "they werent there so i left a message" i said "ok so ill be right there. linz leaves the room

"are u coming AJ?" she asked

"oh no i was gonna stay and help riss" he said "oh that is if you dont mind" he said

"oh not at all  i could use the help." i said she he was helping me unpack. "oh man" i said to myself my aj pillow was on the bed.aj  turned aroud and i quickly took it and hid it underneath my other pillows.

"so i heard the news, are you ok?" he said.

"yeah ill be fine he was a jerk anyways" i said we talked a little bit more to really get to know each other. "oh i think we should go down for dinner" i said so we go down to dinner everyone just sat down and were getting there food. we also sat down and got our food and eat it. linz  told meg,nick,kevin and howie what happened and everything. we all eat dinner cleared the table. went outside on the pourch and sat down by the pool. there was a water slide and it was a built in pool and a diving bord too. thats alot consitering since we are renting the place and all.

"linz" i said and gave her a look she gave the look to kim who gave it too meg and......    

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