Untitled! Chapter 2!

Ok, we last left off at the girls gave each other a look and......

They all got up and went into the house. "Where you going?" asked Kevin.

"We're going to get some drinks. You guys stay here and talk," I said.

So, the guys stayed outside and the girls went in the house.

****OUT SIDE******

"Hey AJ, do you like Riss?" asked Brian.

"Yeah, I do actually," he said. "But, I wanna get to know her more before I ask her to be my girlfriend," he said.

"Aww, your going to ask her!" Nick said.

"Yeah man, but not yet. I need time, I mean she just got her heart broken and I need her to know that I would never hurt her," he said.

"That's good that you'll let her know that before you do anything," said Brian.

DING DONG "I'll get it," said Meg, and she ran down stairs. "Oh, hey baby," she said. It was Mike, her boyfriend. She gave him a hello kiss and went out side by the guys.

The girls were not getting drinks. They were getting their bathing suits on, and towels. I had a blue 1 piece bathing suit with Tommy across the side, Linz ,Meg and Kim also had a one piece but Kim's was purple, Linz's was blue and Meg's was green, and they all had Tommy on them, but Linz, she had Calvin Kline. We put our t-shirts on and shorts and went outside. We put the towels in the kitchen for later.

"Hey Mike," I said. "How are you?" I said, and gave him a hug. I knew him for a long long time. He was tall, like 6'1" or so, long blond hair and blue eyes, not really long.

"Hey guys, all of you stand up tallest to shortest" I said. (Hey,I had to think of something, didnt I?)

"Why?" Howie said.

"Oh, I wanna see something," I said.

So, they all were standing there and 123!!!! We all pushed the guys in the pool. They didn't expect it but we did it.

"RUN!!!" Linz screamed. The guys were after us. We all ran inside the house so they wouldn't get us, but we were wrong.

The guys ran in the house.We ran up to my room, locked the door, but they picked the lock. "Oh man," I yelled. "Now they got us. Wait, I have a plan, quick," I said. I opened the window and we all climbed to the tree and they went down it and got there safely. Well, I guess some of them knew our plan 'cause when Linz and Meg got down there Mike, and Howie got them.

"AHHHHHH NOOOO," I heard them yell.

"Oh man, Kim we're trapped," I said.

"Yup, you sure are," I heard a voice. I turned around and saw AJ coming to me and Kevin and Nick guarding the door.

"Oh, fine then. Go ahead, take me. Throw me in the pool. I deserve it," I said.

"Oh well, since you put it that way, I will then," he said, smiling.

So,he picked me up and carried me to the pool. Kevin got Kim, and Howie was right behind us. They went to throw us in, but we held on to them and they came with us.

Howie was the only one standing out there, so we grabbed him and he came in.

So, we were swimming and having fun until... RING RING. "Hello," said Nick.

"Yeah, is Marissa there?" the voice said.

"Who is this?" asked Nick.

"This is Tim, now get Marissa please," he said. Nick gave me the phone.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's Tim," he said.

"Hello?" I said, in a mean voice "What do you want? I told you not to call me, or anything," I said. "Why, why what? I told you what I saw, and you denied it. I thought you loved me, but it turns out you didn't ,you cheated on me. That's why I broke up with you," i said at this point i was crying badly. kimand the girls came by me and was calming me down "what you think i am going to give you another chance? well i, i think your wrong go back to your other girlfriend and leave me ALONE and never call here again and stay away from me!!!" i screamed to him "man i hate him" i said i got up out of the pool and ran into the house crying. "wait riss" nick said "no no let her go" kim said "well im going to go see what happened and see if i can calm her down" aj said "yeah u better talk to her aj she will probly feel alittle better" meg said. while aj was going up stairs

"hey linz do u think she will be ok?" said howie "yeah she will be fine" she said "kim come here" said brian kim goes in the living room with brian "hey i gotta tell you something. "yo aj wants to get riss to know that she can trust him that he wont hurt her and when he lets her know that hes going to ask her to be his girl friend like cuz of all the info u said about her to him and everything" he said "yeah i think if he askes her she should make sure she knows" kim said


KNOK KNOK "go away" i said KNOK KNOK "who is it? i said go away" i said again "its aj i need to talk to you" he said "ok come in" i said so he walked and pulled a chair next to my bed "are you ok" he asked " i dont know i guess so" i said "what did he want? if u dont mind me asking" he said "well he wanted me to go back to him and he said how sorry he was and he will never do it again and i told him no and to go away and go with hisother girlfriend" i said "he really had the nerve to say that what a jerk" i said i was getting all my anger out and i started crying again. "its ok riss its ok" he said he came next to me and was calming me down and i turned around an was crying on his lap he was still calimng me down. when i finallycalmed down i was just sitting there." hey riss" he said "yeah" i said "i want you to know something" he said "whats that?" i said "well i want you to know that i would never do that to ever i would not treat you like that. i would never cheat on you or lie or do anything like that." he said "i want you to know that" he said so i was calm down "aj i want to show you something" i said i took him to the tree by my window climded down it. i took him to my fav. place where no one knows about it. "here we are" i told him. "i come here when i get sad.i found this tree. it was a tree house. already made tree house with doors.

"wow the blankets are still here and the pillows too" i said "i use to sleep here to and kim would always wonder where i was" i told him we were just sitting there. "so what do u *yawn* wanna talk about?" i asked him "oh please dont tell anyone where this place is please" i said "ok i wont tell just for you" he said "wow is that you?" he said looking at a picture i was with linz and meg and kim we won a bball troufy 1st place. "yup thats me" i said "hey have u ever walked into a wall?" i asked "*lauging* no why?" he said "oh cause once when i was little i was walking and i has to turn a coner of a rokey house and i kinda walked into it. and i stared gushing blood and i didnt cry. and my sisters were so scard." i said "dont ask where that came from im trying to make convo here" i told him (thats is a true storie) we talked and we talked for a long long time about everything and anything we could get on our minds. "omg have you seen titanic?" i asked "(laughing) yeah why?" he said "wow i saw it 4 times and that only in the movies too. man did my butt hurt. but anyways i love it when leo dies. kim and i we watch it and we count down till he dies and we cheer cuz we dont like him. "we cheer when he dies" i said (for all u leo loves sorry but i don tike leo, so dont complane to me cuz i dont) "*lauging* really? thats funny im going to have to watch that with you and kim someday" he said "hey riss" he said "yea*yawn*h yeah" i said "hey here lay down on my lap and well talk. "what time is it?" i asked "oh its 10:00" he said "10:00!!!!" he said "wow holy" he said "its too late to walk back isnt it?" i asked "yeah its too dark" he said "man what are we going to do?" i asked "well we can talk a little bit more" he said " where are we going to sleep?" i asked "well ill sleep at the other end and u lay here with the blankets" he said "i promise i wont do anything" he said "so how did u get ur nick name riss?" he said "well when i was younger i would say to babied say "Marissa" and all would come out was "rissa and then one day my sister nicole called me rissa then my whole family and then it jsut came to riss, sometimes my dad calles me risser or kimmy calls me rissy stuff like that" "thats cool rissy" he said then i feel asleep not knowing it." riss?" he said. no answere he looked down at me and slide from under me and put me down gently and kissed my lips lightly and went to bed. we both were asleep. I woke up SCARD and................ E-mail Marissa!

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