Untitled! Chapter 3!

ok we lat left off:

AJ and I were in my hide out and we talked about the whole night. I fell asleep and AJ put me down and a blanket on me and kissed my lips softly. Then i woke up SCARD

"oh man it was just an owl" i said to myself "AJ" i said "AJ wake up please it morning and i dont want anyone to worry" i said he finally woke up. "well good morning" i said "hello" he said to me. "he lets get out of here and make everyone breackfast" he said "if ur up for it" he said "yeah ill do it some one" i said. so we left the tree house and we made it to the house. we goot the stuff to make the breackfat, "well the pancakes are done and so is the backon" i said then the eggs got done. "hey guys whatare u doing?" linz asked "umm.. well were making breackfast" i told her "wow it smells good" kim andmeg said together then laughed. DING DONG "who can that be at 9:00 in the morning?" meg said "well ill go find out" Kim said "wow hi what are u doing here baby?" kim said "oh thanks i dont get a goood morning kiss?" brian said "ok" she said and gave hi a BIG kiss "that good?" she said "oh yeah" he said happy. "hi" nick said coming in behind brian, "hey what areu guys doing here?" linz asked when they got to the kitchen. "hey guys" i said to them "well u see i wanted to see Kim (he looked at her and smiled) and nicky boy here slept over my house and decided to come" said brian

"im starving" nick said "well arent u always" AJ said to him and everyone laughed "hey that wasnt funny" he said "dont worry nick im like you. im always eating" i said "oh yeah u are couz" said linz

"well come on sit down and ill get u guys a plate" i said so we all sat down and ate. "so um.. riss why are u still in ur cloths from yesterday and u too AJ" linz asked "um.. well u see i was up all night about with AJ. we were talking." i said "all night?" kim said "yeah well i got upset cuz of the tim thing and he cheered me up. We went for a walk lsat night and talked then we walked back here" i said "uh huh" said nick like alittle kid. "so we ended up here and riss was tired and so she went to bed iin her room and she invited me to stay" AJ was saying but was interupted by nick "what!!! go AJ man." he said he was laughing "WHAT!!! nick no no no!!! anyways she invited me to stay ON THE COUCH and so i did" he finished. "So why are u in ur cloths" nick asked "well i was too tired to change so i fell right to sleep" i said. so we finished breackfast and we cleaned up. RING RING RING the phone did "hello?" kim said "oh hi how are u doing. how are the kids?" she said "yeah shes here hold on" she said "Riss phone its Mrs. Smith" Ok got it" i said i took the phone from the living room, Kim was in the kitchen doing the dishes "oh hi Mrs. Smith how are u... uh huh yeah ok sure tomorrow from 1:00 to whenever" i said "yeah ok no problem i love those kids ok yeah buh bye" i said and hung up the phone.

"who was that?" AJ asked. "oh that was Mrs. Smith, she wants me to baby sit tomorrow 1:oopm to like late at night, its there annaversiy. and sheneeds me to baby sit." i said "wow thats cool." AJ said "how old are the kids" he asked "well Nicole is 4, Mark is 5, and Jennifer is 2" i said "thats cool" he said "yeah iguess so. i love baby sissting them cuz they love me and there great kids" i said he just looked atme and smiled. "well i need a shower" i said and started walking up to my room. So i got into the shower and washed up and everything. while i was in the shower

~~~~~~~~DOWN SATIRS~~~~~~~~~~

Nick and meg were in the game room playing pool and Linz was out side tanning as she usually does she likes tanning, and Kim and Brian were watching TV with AJ he was mostly thinking.

**back to normal****

Then i got out of the shower and got dressed.i put on my cloths (i dont feel like explaning what im wearing so think of a shirt and pants. or whatevr) and i put my hair up in 2 messy pony tails and put butter fly clips all around them. i put my make up on and went down stairs. "hi all" i said "oh hey wassup" brian said "oh nothing" i said. "oh while u were in the shower ur mom called for you and told me to tell you that she misses you and that she wanted me to remind you to go up there and finish picking up ur stuff," kim told me. "ok what time is it?" i asked "well its about 1:00 about" AJ said "ok ill go now i guess i have nothing planed" i said. "hey AJ wanna come with me?" i asked "well sure i have nothing to do anyways" he said "well umm. are u ready?" i asked "well i have to take a shower" he said "ok go ahead ill wait for you" i said "u sure? u sure u dont mind?" he asked "yes go" i said pushing him so he went and took a shower. "her Maris whats up with u too?" asked Brian "what oh nothing were friends" i said "why?" "oh no reason well since u got here u have been with him and have been hanging out alot" he said "yeah were friends" i said i was standing there staring at the tv thinking, i was thinking about AJ. how nice he was to me and how he treated me. not like Tim. Time cheated on and and was very mean. he would sometimes beat on me and sayi was ugly and he didnt love me. he was sorry cuz he just got mad and fliped out on me.i never told anyone that and i was thinking that how i should tell AJ one day and everything. AJ is nice and wouldnt treat me like that im sure of it. i kept thinking of him "hey u ok" kim asked snapping me out. "yeah fine why?" i asked "well u were standing there andnot saying anything and looking weaird and all and we kept calling ur name" "well yeah im fine dont worry about it" i said i went out back to linz "hey linz" i said "yeah" "hey i need ur advice" i said "shoot" "well u see how do u know if its love at first sight?" i asked "well um... i dont know um.. u just know why?" "um.. no reason i was just wondering" i said "well hey i think AJ is done now i have to go to my moms" i said and gave her a hug.

ok so me and AJ were in the car and all. we fianlly got to my moms after 2 hours, we just talked about anything. "were here" i said "ok" he said so we got into my house "hi mom" i said and i gave her a hug and kiss "this is AJ and AJ is this is my mom" i said "hey so this is the AJ she has been dreaming about since who knows when" she said teasing me. cuz im a houg bsb fan and she knows it. AJ started to blush a little "ok well ill give u a tour of my house" i said "ok heres my twnin siste Nicole shes at collage and this is my sister Dana shes married" i said "wow u guys look nothing alike." he said " i know. where ever we go people dont think were related they thingk were best friends cuz we sometimes argue like normal friends do and all. then when we tell them were twins they don belive us and then when they do they tell us they didnt think we were realted" i said "wow thats weaird" he said so i gave him a tour of my whole house "hey u didnt show me ur room" he said "well u dont wanna see it" i said trying to change the topic "oh come one i wanna see it" he said "i\oh hey is this it?" he said pointing to the door that says Marissa's Room Keep Out "um..no?" i said "yes" AJ said i was trying to cover the door, i was standing infront of it and AJ was trying to pull me away. "please move ill tickle you. " he said "go ahead im not tickleash" "oh yeah" "yeah" i said and he was coming to me to tickle me and i was cracking up.then he was tickleing me and he touched a part of my stomich that was brushed "OW" i said "what?" he said "im sorry i didntt mean to hurt sorry" he kept saying "its ok its ok dont worry about it ill be fine" i said smiling "its ok i just i im clumsy when i was playing bball i gues i got hurt its ok really" i said "ok ifu say so" he said so i gave in and he got into my room. "ok please dontlaugh. i know i know im a little ok over obbseasiove of u guys. sorry but hey who isnt. but its been since i was like 11" i said "wow i never thought u would have this meany posters and thingy in ur room. man iv been to peoples houses like familys friends and all and no no this is ALOT" he said "thanks thats a complement to me" i said and he laughed. "whatu think thats funny?" i said "yeah accually i do" he said "yeah well hows this for funny" i said and pushed him on the bed and was ticklying him

then he got me he got me and was tickling me and tickliyng me. "stop please" i said "PLEASE STOP IM GONNA PIE IN MY PANTS PLEASE AJ PLEASE" "why should i he said for a little break" he said "because ur a nice person" i said "he started ticklying me ALEAXANDER JAMES MCLEANE PLEASE " i said

ok since u asked so nicley" he said then we were got eye to eye we were staring ateach other for like a couple sceonds till he came in for a kiss. then he got off me and i was sitting on the bed next to him. thinking for a second really fast things going through my mind. "hey Maris can i ask u something?" he said "uh.... yeah" i said getting out of my trance "ok well this is kinda weaied for me an all but listen to me please" "ok im all ears" i said "ok well um.. i like you. umm i like you more than a friend. i mean we have spent the last day together ALOT and all just talking and hanging out and everything. and well i like you and was wondering if u liked me too that if u well if u would be my girl firend" he said i was sitting there a little bit thinking then about 2 min later he touched my sholder "OW'' i said "um.. are u ok?" he asked "yeah why?" i said "well u say ow when i touched u on the sholder and when i was tickling you. are u ok?" he asked "yeah im fine coudnt be better" i said smiling. ''um.. well did u think about it?" he asked "um.. yeah. yeah i did, well um. AJ i like u alot more than a friend also. but um.. i dont think im ready for a realsonship. i mean i like u and everything but im not sure" i said "well thats ok" he said disapointed. "i need a drink" i said getting up and when i was nearr the door AJ got my arm and pulled me to him. "listen i know ur hurt and i understand that, i want you to know that i will never hurt u at all. and i want you to know u can trust me and i would never do anything like that to hurt you" he said i was standing there in my own world again thinking. then i looked up and stared into his eyes, deep into those brown eyes to see deep inside and i could see the truth i could tell he was telling me the truth. So he started walking. "AJ" i said and he turned around "come here please" i said and he did so. i pulled him down to me and gave him a big kiss. a big kiss, it was passhoneat. he put his hands on my waste and i put my arms around him. then i stoped and looked at him. "hows that for an answer" i said "wow so i takeit its a yes" he asked "yup" i said and gave him another kiss then went to the kitchen and got water, he got a soda.so i fianlly packed the car and went inside to my mom.

"hey mom im all packed and everything. and im gonna go" i said "ok honeyi love you." i love you too mom" i said. "wait hey the carnavill is down here this week and all so i know u like carnivlls and all so i wanted to tell u so mabe u could stop by" she said "ok mom love u" i said and gave her a hug "tell dad i said i love him bye " and i left. "hey AJ wanna go to a carnivll?" i said "sure yeah" he said so we got there and were having a great time we went on the rides and AJ won me a BIG teddy bearthat had a heart that said love you on it, andother things. "im gonna make a call ill be back" i said to AJ "ok ill go get us a slice of pizza and ill meet you" he said "ok" so i found a pay phone and diles the house "hey kim" i said "hey Marisa" "what are u guys up to?" "well we got to my house and i packed and then we stoped at the carnivll and i got a teddy bear that sayd love u on it" i said "awww thats so sweet that he won that" she said "and well un were girlfriend and boy fired" i said "WHAT!!!! aww wow congrats" she yelled "what what" brian said "yo guys Marissa and AJ are a couple"she yelled "congrats" everyone said "ok well were be home soon were gonna leave in like a half hour. yeah ok yeah bye" i said and hung up the phone. i was standing there wating for AJ till someone taped me on the sholder "hi Marissa" i heard a vioce i turned around "WHAT do u want Tim" i said "oh what i dont get a good kiss from you" he said "no not really i told u were OVER i caught u and that girl in the movies and all and im tired of u yelling at me and treating me like crap. ok i had it u say u love me andthat ur sorry but hey. if that were true thwn u wouldnt do that to me ok." i said yelling at him "oh well im sorry" he said "sorry,sorry,SORRY YOUR SORRY thats all i get from you, well i news for u you not forgiven, and get away from me ok" i said yelling at him. and i was walking away cuz i saw AJ coming towards me and Tim Pulled me back and wouldnt let go. "hey man getoff her" AJ said coming towrds us

"why should i" Tim said "cuz i said so and u should never hit a girl or hurt her like u are doing now and that u did" he said and he pulled tims arm off of me "hey what do u think ur doing. are u like her man or something cuz i dont think u should have dont that" he said "yeah well i think i should have and yes i am her man" he said "well im going to take MY girl and leave, if i ever see you near her again or call her or anything then i will kick your butt." he said "oh yeah" yeah" "well im not scard of you." he saud "wanna bet" AJ said so he went up to him and punched him in the nose and he started leeding. "hows that " he said and we walked away "are you ok?" he asked "yeah fine" i said "you sure?" he said came and kissed me. we got to the car and drove off, "well were here." i said it was about 9:30. "well now what?" i said. well since we havent eatend about all day how about some mcdonalds" aj said ""sure why not." "ill drive" he said so we got there we went through the drive through and all and brought it home, we ate it and then we went and played pool he won. im not that good, "well its getting late and i have to baby sit tomorrow" i said "yeah i guess ill go too." he said. so i walked him to the door. "good night my princess" he said and have me a kiss. this kiss was a KISS then he eneded up sutting the door and we ended up in the living room on the couch and.............

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