Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 1!

"It's all my fault," Nick whimpered. Sasha just looked at his disturbing appearance and felt her heart break. Nick's once mesmerizing blue eyes were now bloodshot, his beautiful blonde hair was messy, his clothes were wrinkled, and his bright face was now pale. Sasha took Nick into her arms and let him cry on her shoulder. It killed her to see her best friend like this.

"Nick, baby, everything is gonna be alright," she soothed him.

"No, it's not!" he said angerly. He pulled out of her embrace and stared coldly into her eyes. "How could you say that? The love of my life for 10 months just broke up with me and that's all you can say?"

Sasha just looked around her bedroom trying to avoid his eyes. How could HE say that? She had loved him for so long, why couldn't he feel the same way? Why did it have to be Mandy he loved? "No Nick, I just hate the bitch. Her leaving is not the end of the world." As soon as those words slipped out of her mouth, she immediately regretted it seeing Nick grow angrier. "I mean, she put you through all this pain,"Sasha clarified. "She's cheated on you how many times? And you still always go crawling back to her. It makes me so mad!"

"She's not cheating on me. I just can't give her all she's given me. So she looks for satisfaction somewhere else. I'm just n-not g-g-ood enough," Nick said as his voice began to quiver.

"Nick you're way better than her! You can find someone else! She's just a cheap fuckin slut!"

"Don't you fuckin call her that you jealous whore!" Nick yelled. He automatically wished he didn't say that as he saw hurt flash across her face. "Yo Sash, I'm sorry. I just got so angry. I didn't mean it," he said as he tried to pull her into a hug.

"Get the fuck off of me you BASTARD!" she screamed pushing him away. Tears streamed out of her green eyes, down her tan skin. Her brown hair fell into her angry face. He moved closer, filling any distance between them, then gently he grasped her arm. Shrieking, she locked the door tight. Nick pounded on the door as she flung herself onto the bed crying to sleep.

Chapter 2
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