Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 10!

Once they arrived home, Nick carried her up the stairs to her old bedroom. Being alert of her surroundings, Sasha sat up. He layed her down onto the her bed and left. Sitting up, she looked around the room. Memories flooded her brain.

"No, no!" she screamed. "Stop! Just stop! Please no!" Hearing all the noise, Nick ran into Sasha's room. She was wiping something off her skin.

"Sasha," Nick said calmly, grabbing her arms. "Get a hold of yourself. Look, I brought you some of my clothes. Change into something dry, you'll feel better. Come on, I'll go prepare something nice and warm downstairs." Sasha threw the clothes on the floor and glared at Nick.

"I don't need anything. What difference would it make if I died?" Sasha exclaimed.

Nick picked the clothes back up. "It would make the hugest difference! Don't you ever say something like that! Now get into these warm clothes and I'll see you downstairs!" And with that he slammed the door, stomping down the stairs.

Sasha picked up his shirt, caressing it against her cheek and breathing in his scent. She felt so bad because of how she was treating Nick. Leighanne told her that when she left, he would sit by the window waiting for her return, not eating unless it was stuffed down his throat. And lately, he was moody. Sasha quickly changed into Nick's clothes washed her face and headed down the stairs.

There in the kitchen, he sat waiting for her, accompanied by a hot bowl of soup. "Looks like someone would like to grace us with their presence," Nick said to one of his pugs Mikey.

"Campbell's?" she said raising her eyebrow at him giggling.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you do better!" He was getting impatient.

"I don't know what you're so pissed about! I never said anything bad about your cooking! Damn it Nick, GROW UP!" She stalked back up the stairs back into her old bedroom. Picking up the alarm clock, she threw it against the wall along with many other objects.

"Fuck you Nick! I hate you! Some father of my child! AAAahhhh!!----" Sasha screamed. She leaned against the wall, slowly sinking down and shaking her head. "No, no, no. I hate you," she repeated head in her hands.

Nick heard yelling upstairs knowing well enough that Sasha was venting.

====DING DONG====

Reluctantly opening the door, he was greeted by "OH MY GOD! IT REALLY IS NICK CARTER! AAAHHH!!!!!!!" In front of him were 2 fans. Nick smiled warmly and let them in.

"Oh my God," one of them squealed. "Nick Carter is letting us into HIS house! We are so lucky!"

"So Nick," the other girl started. "It must be pretty lonely living here by yourself."

"Actually, I live here with my best friend," he hoped he wasn't stretching the truth. "Wanna meet her? She's so awesome!"

"Okay," the first one agreed. The other just groaned while her friend elbowed her.

"SASHA!"he called. "Come meet the fans downstairs!" A few moments later, Sasha appeared merrily greeting the fans. Nick knew that no matter how mad she was at Nick, she would never give up an opportunity to meet fans. She was that proud of him.

Nick and Sasha happily chatted with the fans while Nick signed autographs. The fans had been there a good half hour when the one named Mary decided it was time to leave. On the way out, Nick heard Leah whisper, "See? I told you he's gotten fatter."

"Leah you're so mean," Mary whispered back as they left. Nick felt ashamed. Was he really fat? The other girls thought so. Then he must be.

"Nick, don't listen to them," Sasha told him.

"Why? Cuz it's the truth?"

"No it's not. You're perfect the way you are."

"Yeah? If I'm perfect, tell me why you don't feel for me what I feel for you? Tell me why you don't want me!" Nick didn't even wait for her to respond before he ran up the stairs into his bedroom.

Chapter 11
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