Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 11 ~ Lasr Chapter!

The next few days had been a struggle. Sasha couldn't get Nick to eat anything, nonetheless open the door. She finally had it.

"Nick open this fuckin door or this bullet goes through my head!" She threatened pounding furiously on the door. The door rushed open and there stood Nick, worried as hell. His face grew stony once he realized he'd been had. He was about to slam the door.

"Nick," Sasha scolded letting herself into the room and closing the door. "You haven't eaten in days! Why the hell do you wanna starve yourself?!"

"It's personal, you wouldn't understand," he snapped.

"Are you actually gonna listen to that shit? YOU ARE NOT FAT! You have an incredibly fine body. Don't let some little immature bitch get to you."

"You're just saying that because you want me to feel better. Everyone's been saying that I've gotten fatter! You don't need to lie! I might as well do something about it!!" Nick hung his head low. Why did those girls have to say that around SASHA? That embarrassed him beyond his belief.

Sasha was more pissed than ever. Why wasn't Nick listening to her? It was as though her words had no affect on him. She wanted to smack Nick and scream at him that he wasn't fat! Suddenly, it occurred to her that that was the exact same thing she'd done to him.

She tilted Nick's head up with her finger, but he wouldn't look her in the eye. Sasha got angrier and pushed him onto the bed, startling Nick.

"Sasha, w-what are you doing?"Nick asked.

"You think you're fat?"she snarled. Nick just lied on the bed scared of making a move or saying anything wrong. "Well, YOU'RE NOT!" She tore off his shirt and licked his stomach. "Look at this. You'," she said in-between kisses. Nick moaned loudly as she moved his kisses up to her chest, letting her tongue get involved, then to his neck. Once she got to Nick's face, she captured his lips with hers into a powerful kiss. He couldn't actually believe she was actually kissing him. Her lips felt so soft, this was getting more enjoyable as Sasha slipped her tongue into his mouth. Until Nick's brain kicked in. Sasha's wasn't interested in a jerk like him. She was just pitying him.

Nick pushed her away, Sasha grew confused. Hadn't he just been pleasurably kissing her a few seconds ago?

"I don't need you feeling sorry for me and pretending you care. That hurts even more," he spoke.

"Nick, I'm not pretending I care. I DO care. You're the only one I have besides my soon-to-be-baby--" Sasha covered her mouth, realizing her slip. Embarrassed, Sasha headed for the door, but Nick grabbed her into his arms before she could escape. She tried to break free, but Nick held her tighter. Finally, she just broke into sobs. Nick kissed the top of her head and felt his love for her grow. He just couldn't imagine his life without her.

"Baby?" he asked kissing her eyes. "Will you please forgive me for hurting you, being the biggest jerk, and being the worst best friend in the world?" He knew that if she couldn't find it in her heart to forgive him, he wouldn't be able to go on anymore. She was the most important thing in hislife.

She pulled out of his arms and gently traced his jawbone. "Nick, these incidents proved to me how lost I am without my best friend. Without you." Just a best friend? Nick still felt hurt. He headed out the door. "Hey wait! Where are you going?!"

He turned sharply around. "It's more than obvious you want nothing more than friendship, but I'm sorry I can't do that. It hurts too much."

"Nick!"she cried. "You don't deserve to love me! Once you find out, you'll be turned away and not want me anymore. I can't leave myself open to hurt any longer. I can't bare having you hate me again. I, I just can't."

Now Nick was baffled. "Why would I hate you? You couldn't possibly make me not want you."

"Because... because, I'm PREGNANT!" She spat out. Nick's face grew disgusted. "With your child," she softly added. His face grew brighter and had extreme bliss written all over it."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!! Oh my god! That's so wonderful!" he exclaimed.

"You, you don't hate me?"

"Hate you? I love you! And now we're having a baby! You and me! I, I... WOW!" He kissed her softly on the lips and began kissing her stomach. Sasha giggled and fluffed his hair.

"Sasha, I'm sorry about how I've been treating you lately. I love you so much, I just wanna be with you. Will you be mine forever and always?"

"Of course Nick. I love you. I've been waiting forever for you to feel the same." Nick felt his heart heal and leaned in to kiss Sasha passionately giving her his heart and soul.

As for Sasha, she was in extreme ecstasy. She had his love and that was all that mattered. Her life was finally complete. Or so she thought. |+|.the.end.|+|

{E-mail the author, Sarah, with your comments!}

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