Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 2!

Nick woke up later that night feeling like shit. He thought back to what happened earlier and sighed. 'Why do I have to keep hurting her?' he thought. 'Why can't I learn to treat her right?' Sasha was his best friend for 16 years and never once had she let him down until last night. Last night, it was as though something new took over Sasha. Little did he know that it was love. Her love for him.

Nick grudgily crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. Even his reflection seemed to mock him. Splashing water onto his face, he tried to wash off the layers of hurt. This was just not his month. First, his longtime girlfriend broke up with him because she wasn't "committed" anymore. And now his best friend since he was in diapers was mad at him. Well, she'd have to talk to him sooner or later; they shared the same house.

Nick left the bathroom and knocked on Sasha's door. There was no answer. She probably couldn't hear since she had her Orgy CD blasting loud. He had already rehearsed his apology to her.

"Sasha?" he called cautiously, opening the door and stepping into the room. He let out a cry of horror once he saw the blade in Sasha's hands cutting her own flesh. She screamed and tried to cover up what she was doing.

"Sasha!" he yelled, as she burst into tears. "Were you planning on killing yourself?" He grabbed the blade out of her hands and threw it to the floor.

"No, Nick. This is my solace, my only means of comfort. Please don't do this!" What the hell kinda stupid jerk was he for not noticing his best friend suffering? How could he have missed the bruises she always had?

"What the hell did you thing you were doing?" he asked kneeling down to her level.

"Go away Nick! Haven't you made me miserable enough? LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed as Nick tried coming closer.

Nick felt hurt. 'Does she really hate me?' Nick grabbed her as she began to kick and scream.


"I can't," he said.

"Why the hell not? You've definitely been able to do it lately. Where was my best friend when I needed him?!" Sasha nearly felt her lungs burst! He just couldn't understand! How could you love someone with all your heart but hate them at the same time? That's exactly how Sasha felt.

She looked over at Nick. He just stood there looking almost numb. They stood there in moments of silence.

Nick felt something spark inside him while he stared into Sasha's eyes. 'Damn,' he thought. 'She looks fine.' He looked her up and down smiling at the site of her in a babydoll that clung to all the right places. Licking his lips, he inched closer to her as she watched in disbelief. She screamed as he pushed her against the wall. Squeezing her eyes shut in fear, she felt him breathing against her neck.

Chapter 3
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