Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 3!

"Nick!" she cried. "Please...don't hit me." He placed his arms on her waist, moving them lower and gently massaging her thighs. This was not the Nick she knew.

"Baby," he whispered into her ear. "That's not what's on my mind right now." She sighed in relief. Nick pressed himself closer to Sasha, letting her feel his hardness against her leg. Nick could barely contain himself. "Sasha?"

"Yeah Nick?"

"" Sasha's eyes grew wide at the very thought of Nick asking her that. Was she actually gonna get a chance with Nick? Nick didn't wait for a response as he locked his lips with hers using full force. Once she responded, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She knew this was wrong, but her heart got the best of her. He unclasped her dress, letting it fall to the floor, and gently laid her onto the bed.

Nick stared in awe at his best friend naked in front of him. Tossing off the rest of their clothes, he began a trail of kisses starting with her neck. She moaned in pleasure once Nick hungrily sucked on her breasts, gently biting them.

"Nick," she purred. "I want to feel you inside me." Nick grinned and moved his kisses down her stomach. She gasped as he kissed the mouth of her cunt, before inserting his tongue into her. She grinded her cunt against him. "Oh Nick, I'm gonna cum. Please, let me feel 'Little Nicky' inside me."

Grinning harder, Nick stroked his throbbing cock. "This 'Little Nicky?' I don't think he's ready. He wants to hear you beg."

"Please Nick! I, I need you in me! Oh please?"she moaned grabbing his cock. Satisfied, Nick positioned himself on top of her and thrusted himself into her, starting off slow, but picking up pace. Hearing Sasha scream his name was music to his ears. It was only a matter of time before they climaxed together and fell asleep.

Nick laid there holding a sleeping Sasha in his arms. This was the most foolish thing he'd ever done. He felt so lonely in grief and Sasha was right there when he needed someone to ease the pain. Still, as he held onto Sasha, he savored the feel of her naked skin against his own. He gasped as he felt her stir, obviously meaning she was awake.

Sasha woke up realizing she was still in Nick's arms. She felt so...dirty and used. How could she have been so dumb? She knew Nick wasn't serious about what happened the night before, no matter how bad she wanted him to be. She got out of bed and gathered up her clothes. Taking one last glance at the bed, she realized Nick was awake. Embarrassed, she scurried out the door.

Chapter 4
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