Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 4!

As the week went by, Sasha avoided Nick. Barely a word was exchanged between them. Sasha hung out with AJ most of the time. He was the only one who knew her feelings about Nick. But Brian also knew what happened that night.

Hearing a knock, Nick went to get the door. He stood shocked at the person in front of him. Mandy. His Mandy. "W-what are you doing here?" Nick asked. He was so happy to see her!

"I missed you Nick," she told him. "I'm sorry for everything. We deserve to be together. Please take me back." She put her hands on his chest, moving them up and down. Nick felt like jumping for joy! Him and Mandy...together again! Noticing Sasha and AJ about to come in from outside, she leaned up to Nick pressing her lips against his. She smiled knowing how Sasha felt about Nick and their kissing turned into a full scale make-out session. AJ was happy to finally see Sasha smile. She was so precious, Nick better not hurt her. She was definitely a keeper. Walking into Nick and Sasha's house, they stopped in their tracks. There stood Nick practically tongue-wrestling Mandy. Looking up at them, Nick stood embarrassed while Mandy just smiled.

"See you later Nick," she called. And with that, she was gone. Sasha looked at Nick just once teary-eyed before dashing up the stairs. Nick was about to go after her, until AJ stopped him.

"Nick, let me handle this okay?" he reasoned.

"Why? I'm her best friend, I should be there for her!" Nick shouted. It made him mad that AJ thought he knew HIS best friend better. 'Who does AJ think he is?' he thought.

"Listen Dickhead, if you were the best friend you claimed to be, Sasha wouldn't be up in that room crying right now. How 'bout you not talk to her until you get a clue?" And with that, AJ dashed up to her room leaving Nick speechless. How could AJ tell him he was not needed?

Chapter 5
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