Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 5!

Walking into Sasha's room, AJ was greeted by sobs and thrown things scattered all around. He sat on her bed and hugged her in comfort.

"Why does he keep running back to her?! This is the FOURTH TIME! What does she have that I don't?! I HATE HER! I HATE HIM!" she sobbed.

"No, you don't. Once Nick realizes the perfect girl is right under his nose, he'll feel the same," AJ assured.

"Gee, I wonder how he felt that night I spent with him? He didn't care! He doesn't care how I feel about him." AJ sat for a while comforting her, until he realized it was time for him to leave.

Once he left, she started packing her clothes, accessories, and her most important possessions. She was planning on moving out. She'd stay a few days with friends before getting her own place. She grabbed her bags and headed for the door. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Busted! There stood Nick, anger in his eyes. He took the bags and threw them violently to the ground.

"What the fuck did you that for you asshole?" she screamed feeling her blood boil.

"Um, asshole? I think not! I don't want you leaving me! You're my best friend!" he shouted back.

"Yeah, I bet. You know very well that right after I leave your little hoe will move in. Then you and your hoe can live the rest of your FUCKIN LIFE together! Yep, you and your little hoe! You------" SMACK!

They both gasped in shock. Nick looked down at his hands in shame. How could he have just smacked her? He put an arm on her shoulder, pulling her to him. She stiffened, Nick felt hurt. "Baby, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm really sorry," Nick stuttered.

"You're sorry?!"Sasha yelled. "I'm sorry I ever met you! I wish I could erase everything in our past together! I hate you! You hear that Nick Carter?! I HATE YOU!" Those words stung Nick hard. He felt his heart break into little pieces, yet he still reached for her. Responding, she kicked him hard in the nuts. Nick yelped in pain. Sasha just lost in and kept hitting him and hitting him. Realizing what she had done, Sasha took one last look at Nick and then took off. She didn't know where she was running, she just ran for her life.

Nick layed there on the floor in pain, unable to move. "Sasha!" he cried. 'Too late Carter' he thought. 'She's gone. She left me.' "SASHA! SASHA! SASHA!" Reality hit him that she wasn't coming back. Using his stregnth, he made his trip up the stairs to the bathroom to clean his cuts. Halfway up the stairs, he collapsed.

Chapter 6
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