Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 6!

It had been a few days since the "Sasha and Nick" incident. Brian and the rest of the guys sat lounging around Nick's room. 'That's all the boy does lately,' Brian thought. Ever since the day Sasha left , he had been a wreck. When he was around Mandy, he tried to act as though everything was fine, but who was he fooling? Everyone knew the truth, except Nick himself.

Brian sadly looked at Nick. Nick just stared out the window. Today was his most depressing day, it was Sasha's birthday. They could hear footsteps coming near the bedroom. Nick sharply turned his head to the door, starry-eyed that it might possibly be Sasha.

"Hey Nick!" Mandy greeted. Nick's face fell at the site of her. Mandy angrily looked around the room, her eyes rested on a huge sign that read "Happy Birthday Sasha!" She was so ready to rip that sign down. Instead, she decided the best thing to do was to make Nick more depressed about Sasha. "Nick?" she asked snottily. "Is sitting around the house moping over that 2 cent whore all you ever do?"

"Hey! She's not a whore!" he yelled back.

"Oh really? If she isn't a whore, then tell me why she slept with you?" Mandy sneered. Nick's face turned a bright shade of red. "What? Didn't think I'd find out? Well, let me tell you something Carter, I HAVE MY WAYS!"

Nick stood there dumbfounded. How did she know? Kevin and Howie looked at Nick finally realizing what had happened between him and Sasha.

"Fuck you Mandy!" AJ yelled.

"You know you want to!"

"No thanks, my standards aren't that LOW!"

"Look Mandy, I think it would be best if you leave," Kevin reasoned.

Mandy glared at him before her lips curved into a smile. "Alright, but be expecting a call from someone important. Very very important, soon." They watched her leave as Howie turned to Nick.

"Why didn't you ever tell us everything about you and Sasha?" Nick sighed and decided to tell them the whole story. Once he finished, the phone rang, startling Nick. The guys exchanged glances as AJ put the phone on speaker phone. Nick took the cordless into his hands. "Hello?"he said into it.

"Well well," a gruff voice bellowed, "I've been waiting for this moment for quite a while now."

"What do you want?"

"Umm... I don't know, maybe $10,000?" "Well, you AREN'T GETTING IT!" This guy was making Nick mad. Some nerve had had to try to get some money.

"In that case, your little brunette friend goes." Nick's face paled. "Yeah, you heard me! Although, that would be such a shame. Especially since she knows how to keep a man satisfied. Even if it is forced. But hey, forced sex is the best," the man said laughing haughtily.

"Wait til I get my hands on you, you FUCKIN BASTARD!" Nick shouted even louder.

"You watch your fuckin mouth!" They could hear Sasha in the backround calling for help. Right after hearing a loud thud, the man chuckled. "So what'll it be Prettyboy?"

Chapter 7
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