Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 7!

"Tell me where you are and I'll have the money ready."

"That's what I thought you'd say. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse on 5th Street in half an hour with the cash. Oh yeah and absolutely no cops or your friend is mine."


Nick stared at the phone in his hands, Sasha's fate depended on him. Tossing the phone to the bed, he glided down the stairs.

"Where are you going without a bodyguard?" Kevin called to him.

"I'm not risking Sasha's neck okay? Plus, I don't need a bodyguard, I'm man enough to take care of myself," Nick defended. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a best friend to get back!" Nick hopped into his car, got his money from the bank, and made his way to the warehouse.

Once there, he cautiously got out of the car, his fingers shaking. Nick tried to open the door, but it was locked, so he kicked it open. Dashing up the stairs, he held on tightly to the paperbag. He came to 3 doors, looking from side to side he listened through each door for sound. He heard something get hit in the backround and decided this was the door. Walking into the room he was greeted by a gun pointing at him.

"Alright, let's make this quick and simple. Hand me the money and choose a girl," the tall, dark, mysterious man said. Nick shot the man a confused look, until he switched his gaze over to the wall where both Mandy and Sasha were tied. Nick painstakingly looked back at the man. The man laughed.

"Tough choice huh Carter?" the man smirked. "Hoe bout you choose the one who adores you more. You should choose the blonde, she looks like she needs a save. I don't think the brunette is too fond of you. Plus, I like the brunette, she's deliciously fine," the man said smacking his lips.

Nick looked over at Sasha and Mandy. It was true, Sasha did glare at him as though she hated him. Mandy on the otherhand, looked as though she really needed him. "Please Nick," Mandy pleaded, "get me out of here. I, I really don't like this place or that man. I am special to you aren't I?" Her lips curved into a sly smile as she said the last few words.

'This is all a setup,' Nick realized. 'I KNOW Mandy is part of this!' He looked at Sasha; she was looking sadly at the ground while Mandy was shooting her a victorious look.

Nick decided to prove everyone wrong. He walked over to where Sasha was and pulled off the clamps on her arms and legs as she fell to the floor, barely conscious. Nick picked Sasha up in his arms and kissed her forehead. Mandy let out a cry of protest. Before anything else happened, the door broke open and the police burst in, kicking the man's gun out of his hands.

"Clifton Cook, you are under arrest for kidnap, ransom, and rape. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be and will be used against you in court," an officer told him as 2 others handcuffed him. Nick was shocked, he knew Cook was Mandy's last name... so that meant her and Clifton were cousins! He knew she had something to do with this!

"Carter!" Clifton yelled. "I thought you said no cops you mother fucker!"

"I didn't call the cops," Nick said gripping Sasha tighter.

"Well, either way it doesn't matter. I'm gonna get YOU MANDY!" Clifton yelled as the cops took him away. Nick looked over at the other boys as they came up the stairs. Seeing Sasha, they all breathed sighs of relief.

"SASHA!" AJ yelled. She weakly smiled at them. Nick was hurt, why didn't she ever smile at him?

"You better get her to the hospital," Brian advised.

"Gee, Brian, I didn't know that. Thanks for the oh-so-needed suggestion," Nick said sarcastically.

"Jeez, remind me not to help you when you're PMSing."

Nick sighed. "Rok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound moody, but I've got a beautiful girl in my hands who needs to get to a hospital and a whole lotta other stuff on my mind." Brian gave him a look of understanding as Nick took Sasha to the paramedics.

Chapter 8
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