Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 8!

It had been a week since the incident. Mandy had also been locked up. At the hospital, Sasha found out she was pregnant and Nick was the father. Speaking of Nick, Sasha wouldn't talk to him. He came to the hospital, she wouldn't let him visit. He kept dropping by Leighanne's apartment (where Sasha was staying), Sasha would shut him out.

Leighanne walked around Abercrombie & Fitch with Sasha hoping Nick was going on with the rest of her plan.

"Hey Leighanne, what do you think about this?" Sasha asked, holding up the cutest (yet quite revealing) top she'd ever seen.

"It's wicked. Go try it on girl!" Leighanne encouraged. She bit her lip as Sasha went into the changing room. Where was Nick? This was his cue. She smiled as she saw a tall blonde figure coming her way. Nick!

"She's in the changing room right now," she told Nick. "This is your cue. Go surprise her!" Then Leighanne left to go find Brian.

Nick felt nervous. What if Sasha wouldn't listen to him? She hadn't any other time. But he'd still try. He gulped as he saw her come out of the changing room, obviously looking for Leighanne. He tapped her on the shoulder. Sasha turned around and came face to face with Nick. Why couldn't he leave her alone? His presence enough brought pain.

"What are you doing now?" she growled. "Stalking me?"

"I want you to, no I need you to, listen to me," Nick said feeling a little agitated.

"Why should I?"

"Because, just because."

"Because isn't a reason."

"Well, I'm making it a reason."

"Then I see no reason to listen to you."

"Fine, you wanna know why?"

"Yeah, tell me. Let's see what bull shit reason you come up with," she challenged. She grinned at the site of Nick getting frustrated.

"Because... I LOVE YOU!" There, now that was off his chest. Sasha's smile was no longer there.

"You-u d-don't love me," she uttered.

"How can you tell me what I feel? I do love you."

"I'm telling you what I know. You've never loved me before, so why start now? Oh I get it... because your lovely Mandy is locked up, you turn to me!"

"No, Mandy is history! There's only one person in my heart," he said taking her hand and placing it on his chest. "You feel it? It's calling your name. Please believe me. You're the only one I'll ever love."

Sasha finally looked at Nick. This was the first time that day she was actually LOOKING at him. Her heart ached at the site of him. His eyes looked worn, his face looked dead, and his lips looked as though they never smiled. She could tell he hadn't slept in a while. Sasha nearly jumped on Nick, but then she remembered how much he hurt her. Getting with Nick would mean being subject to hurt. She couldn't, not anymore.

Chapter 9
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