Love and Pain Don't Mix! Chapter 9!

Covering her mouth, Sasha started backing away from Nick. "No, no. You can't love me. You can't feel love. I can only feel pain. Love and pain don't go together."

Nick watched tears stream down her beautiful face. He pushed a lock of hair behind her ears as she pushed him away. Some people were watching, amused. "Sasha, I'm the one who put the pain there and I'm the only one who can take it away. Let me take away your pain. Let me love you."

"No! You don't love me, you can't. I HATE YOU! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Nick stared blankly at her. She couldn't have meant it. He loved her too much for it to be true. Sasha couldn't take his gaze anymore as she ran out the store, practically drowning herself in her own tears. She couldn't see where she was going since her eyes were flooded with tears. To make matters worse, it was raining. 'Wonderful job Sasha,' she thought. 'Remember what happened last time you decided to run off? God, I'm such a dumb ass!' She knew she was on the highway, she just didn't know where.

Nick felt as though his heart was gonna explode. 'It might as well,' he thought. 'I've got no reason to live.'

"Nick!" he heard Leighanne yell. Turning around, he cringed. The last thing he wanted to do was see a bright and cheery couple. "Go after her!"

"I can't, she hates me."

"Trust me, she needs you. Only you can make it better."

"Nick? Do you want someone picking her up again?" Brian inquired. Nick's heart nearly stopped. "Yeah, that's right. Some strange guy taking her away again?"

"N-no," he stammered.

"THEN GO SAVE HER OFF THAT HIGHWAY! And the next time I see you Nick...."

"Yeah B?"

"You better have Sasha in your arms!"

Nick looked at Brian a little hesitantly before running into the parking lot and hopping into his green Durango. 'This is all my fault,' Nick thought. 'Watch something bad happen to her once again. Why? Why? Why? Great, now it's raining like hell too.' Nick kept his eyes peeled for anyone on the highway. There was absolutely no one. His heart was aching. 'I know something bad has happened.' Nick drove for about 20 minutes, that was 20 minutes too long. He was about to give up. 'She's probably made it home by now.' Deciding to talk to her at Leighanne's apartment, he headed there. On the way, he saw a figure along the side of the road up ahead. He pulled over once he got closer, and hopped out of the car. It was Sasha! And she was barely able to remain standing. Her whole body was drenched and she was shivering.

"Baby," he whispered with his voice cracking. "I'm taking you to our house. You'll be safe with me."

"Safe from what?" she asked. "Definitely not emotional pain! I hate you Nick can't you understand? Let me walk the rest of the way back."

"Baby, you can barely stand and I'm not even gonna think about you walking! C'mon, let's take you back to my place, into warmer clothes." She sighed and Nick took that as a sign of defeat and carried her to the car.

Chapter 10
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