*Chapter 1*

"I can't believe you never told me that you're going out with Brian Littrell," Meggie said. "I mean, that's not something you're supposed to keep from your best friend."

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's not like it was easy or something. It's just that Brian and I thought it would be better if we didn't tell anyone at first. And then he told Nick, so I'm telling you," Megan said.

"Am I ever gonna get to meet him?" Meggie asked, excitedly.

"You can meet him right now, if ya like," Meg told her, calmly.

"What'd ya mean?" Meggie asked, confused.

"I mean, he brought Nick over to meet me and he's in our living room as we speak," Megan said, clearing it up. "Let's go."

"No, I can't. I was nervous enough when I thought I was gonna meet 1 Backstreet Boy, but now there's another. And he's the best looking, too. I'm just gonna stay in here," Meggie said, sitting down.

"Fine, suit yourself. If you get the balls, come in," Meg said, walking into the living room. "Hey honey," she said, kissing Brian.

" Hey, Megan Ellis meet Nick Carter," Brian said, introducing them.

"Nice to meet you," they both said, shaking each others hands.

" I thought you said I was gonna meet your best friend too?" Bri asked.

"That's what I thought too. But I, uhh, can't seem to find her," Meg said, thinking of an awful excuse.

"Do you mind if I get something to drink?" Nick asked Meg politely.

"No, of course not. Help yourself," Meg said, pointing towards the kitchen.

Nick got up and walked to the kitchen. He saw a girl with his hands full of pots and pans. "Need some help?" he asked.

Meggie screamed and dropped all of the pots and pans.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Nick asked, walking towards her. "Yes," she said, looking at him She bent down and started picking up everything she had dropped.

"Here, let me," Nick said, taking her hand and helping her up. After he picked up everything, he stuck out his hand. "I'm Nick Carter," he said.

Meggie took his hand and shook it. "Meggie Roberts. Nice to meet you."

"You too. What were you doing with all those pots and pans anyway?" Nick wondered.

"I was gonna try and cook something for dinner, but I wasn't to sure how well it was going to turn out," Meggie said, sighing.

"Well, instead of doing that, why don't you come join us in the living room?" Nick asked.

"Uhh, sure, why not?" Meggie said.

"Great, I'll just grab my drink and we'll go,"Nick said, grabbing a Pepsi. They walked into the living room.

"Look who finally decided to grace us with her presense," Meg said, sarcastically. "So Nick, how'd you talk her into it?"

"I just asked," he answered.

"Oh, I see. Meggie Roberts, meet my wonderful, handsome boyfriend, Brian Littrell," Megan introduced.

They shook hands. "Nice to meet you," they both said.

"Ain't he cute?" Meg asked, leaning over and kissing him. They got into some pretty heavy duty making out, when Meggie had enough.

"That's it. I've had enough of this shit. I'm goin' upstairs, care to come?" Meggie invited.

"Yeah sure. Anythings better then this,"Nick said, getting up. They walked upstairs and entered Meggie's room.

"Cool! Nintendo! Mind if I play?"Nick asked, excitedly.

"Nope, go ahead," Meggie said, sitting on her bed.

"Wicked! The new South Park game," he said, putting it in. "So, you like South Park?"

"Love it," Meggie answered.

"Yeah, me too. Cartman's the best. he's so freakin' funny," Nick said. "Do you wanna play?"

"Nah, it's alright," Meggie said.

"K. Did you know who I was before I introduced myself?" Nick asked, starting his game.

"Uhh, yeah, actually I did. I've liked the Backstreet Boys for like, 5 years," Meggie said, a bit embarassed.

"Oh, that's cool. You've been with us since the beginning," Nick said, happily playing his video game. "You've liked us for so long, I'm surprised you didn't go completly postal and tackle me or something."

"I surprised myself, honestly," Meggie said, laughing.

"So, most people have a fave....who's yours?" Nick asked.

"Umm...you are," Meggie said, quietly.

"Really? Why am I your fave?" Nick asked.

"I dunno. We're closest in age, I think you're the funniest, and I think you have the best voice, and you dance real good. Oh yeah, and you're also good looking," Meggie said.

"Well, thank you," Nick said. "Ahh man, I lost. This sucks."

"Don't worry about it. I hear you're good at every other game," Meggie said. "So, how long are you staying down here for?"

"Like 3 days and them we gotta go back home and do a whole bunch of promotional stuff for our new album," Nick said.

"Sounds cool. How's your brother doing?" Meggie asked.

"He's good. He too has been working on another album so he's also doing promotional stuff," Nick told her.

"Hey you guys. We're going out for supper. You two comin'?"Meg asked.

"Are you two gonna be making out all night?" Meggie asked.

"Maybe," Brian said. "But it's not like you two are tongueless."

"Oh yeah. Nice try Brian, but I'm not a slut. I don't need to make out with a guy two seconds after meeting him," Meggie said.

"I wasn't saying your a slut. All I'm sayin' is you two seem to have a lot in common, so maybe you should get to know each other better," Bri said.

"Yeah whatever. Where are you goin'?"Meggie asked. "Mac Daddys," Meg said.

"Fine, let's go," Nick said, gettin up as Meggie did the same.