Secrets and Lies! Chapter 5!

Everyone was ready half an hour later. They decided to walk, considering the fact that it wasn't far. Meg grabbed Brian's hand, as Nick pretended to gag.

"Alright, what first?" Meggie asked, as she stopped so they could look around.

"NIGHTMARES," Brian and Nick screamed at the same time. {AN: Nightmares is a very creepy haunted house in Niagara Falls. One of the best!}

"Uhh...ya know what? You guys can go on ahead. I'll just wait here," Meggie said, nervously.

"Why?" Bri asked, confused, scrunching up his face.

Meg started laughing. "Last time Meggie went in there, one of the guys started grabbing her, and by accident, he grabbed her breast. So, she knocked him in the stomach. He got pissed, and chased her out with the chainsaw he was using to scare everyone," Meg said, with a huge grin spread on her face. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Shut up. It wasn't funny. He squeezed really hard," Meggie said, ticked off. This just made everyone laugh harder.

"Well, don't worry about it Meggie. I'll protect your boobs," Nick said, still laughing.

Meggie smacked him upside the head. "You asshole," she said.

"Oh, c'mon, I was just joking. I won't let no one grab your boobs," he said, rubbing his head.

"Alright fine, but if that does happen again, I hold you responsible," she said, pointing her finger at him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, c'mon," he said, drapping his arm around her shoulders.

Meggie noticed how he was flirting, and was kind of surprised, considering everything that went on last night. Yeah, sure she likes him, but she had to push those thoughts out of her head. She just wasn't interested in the type of relationship he had to offer.'If only everything was different,' she thought.

"C'mon, it's our turn," Nick said, waking her of her thoughts. They followed Meg and Brian.

Meggie screamed at everything that passed her. Nick laughed, and pulled her closer. She had wrapped her arms around his waist.

All of a sudden, Meggie let out a scream louder then all the rest. "HE DID IT AGAIN," she screamed. "GET YOUR FILTHY PAWS OFF OF MY TIT!" She grabbed the hand, and twisted his arm.

Chapter 6
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